
Review of a Blogging Year

I began blogging in March.

Before March, I lived a normal life. Since I discovered blogs and blogging (yes, both were discovered at pretty much the same time) life has never been the same.

In March, I introduced myself, I posted my schedule, and then I let you know how it was going

In April I told you about 'our beach', I posted on a day on our croft and showed you some photos of Harris.

In May I posted some photos of our holiday in the USA, gave you the first of my very useful lessons in fashion (where would you be today without my helpful fashion advice?) and took you to our vegetable plot.

June came, and I showed you sheep being sheared, spoke about the World Cup and posted some sunset photos. Then I took you to the peats.

August sees our wedding anniversary, I wrote my testimony, and posted about a week of meals. Then I showed you the sand dunes at our beach.

In September I showed you the cemetery, and baked oatcakes for you. 

In October we cooked...

and admired...
oops, I meant this - sorry, Mr Wayne.

and this...

In November we had fun with Guy Fawkes night,

we had sadness with tragic memories

and had snow. Real snow!

And then, finally December.

Anyone still reading this? Hallo. Halloooo? 


Anyone at all?

Oh well, just for myself then. Here's December.

We ran walked and got a medal for it. Woohoo! 

 And the boys walked to Muirneag.

All in all, it's been a wonderful year. I've loved blogging. I can't believe that a year ago just now, I didn't even know there was such a thing.

It comes from living on another planet.

I've loved getting to know many fellow-bloggers. I love having friends who don't know me. I can kid you all on that way! 

Actually, I think my blog is... well, ... me. Those who know me 'in real life' know that I have a tendency to, er, speak. I talk. Often I say too much. Often I wish I'd kept my trap shut instead of saying what was on my mind. I often admire, with some envy, those demure ladies who can smile and stay silent. Even a bit of their talent would be helpful. 

Me? Well, I just say whatever is on my mind. Talk first; brain engages later. It's not the way I'd choose to be, but thankfully those who love me are very forgiving. Those who aren't ..... well, I don't blame you.

When I began blogging, I loved talking to cyberspace. I really thought I'd talk, get things off my chest, rant and rave, ramble on, and nobody would have to go through the pain of actually having to listen. I thought it might be helpful in keeping my family relatively sane were I able to do some of my rambling out of their earshot. It was a win-win situation: I get to say all I want to say - and they don't have to hear all I want to say.

Instead, some dear friends have appeared. Many of you are from that place across that pond I see out my kitchen window every day. It's a well known place, I think. A biggish country. What's it called again? Can't quite get it right now, it not being a place that's ever on my mind, in my heart, or in my family's conversation. 

(Ya reckon!!)

I love you all. I don't get out much, so often you guys are my social life. I'm sad that way.

Sad. But extremely happy. I have every reason to be. God is good to me beyond measure.

Have a very Happy New Year. May you all be blessed in your souls, in your families, in your wider circle of friends and colleagues.

Yours sincerely, 
Anne.... oops, this isn't a letter, is it. Love y'all x



  1. What a fun review of your blogging year!

    Bliadhna Mhath Ùr to you all ♥ ♥

  2. What a great review of your year! I was unaware of blogs until my oldest teen got one. Now I'm sure they're one of the best things since sliced bread! I share your ability to talk and I also sometimes secretly envy those reserved or demure ladies, but I wouldn't be me if I acted like that. I have wondered why I haven't cultivated the ability to think before speaking, but maybe that will still happen. (When your sheep fly!:0)

  3. Ha I loved your review especially since I just started following along it was a great recap of the year. What a year and great pictures you have shared! Sometimes you gotta just throw fashion out the window lol! And I keep hearing about this wonderful confidence that arrives in the 40's I sure wish I could have some of that now, although I will say this year I have become a lot more comfortable in my skin. Thanks for sharing and so glad you started blogging ~Happy New Year Love Heather

  4. I enjoy your blog so much Anne. Thanks :)

  5. Happy New Year, Anne! I always look forward to reading your blog. I like the way the LORD made you.....it is a celebration of HIS creativity! ((hug))
    I am so glad you dropped by Anna's blog many months ago....I gained a friend from across the sea.

    In friendship,

  6. What a fun review! I, too, love blogging for many of the same reasons you mentioned here. I'm especially grateful this year that our paths crossed, and I look forward to continuing to peek into your corner of the world in 2011.

    Happy new year, friend!

  7. Such beautiful photos! What a magical place to live.

    I recently started blogging and I love it! Somehow trying to write down what I am thinking makes me think deeper.

    Happy New Year!

  8. Cool idea - a "review of the year" post! Loved it.

    This describes me too, especially the last part:
    "Those who know me 'in real life' know that I have a tendency to, er, speak. I talk. Often I say too much. Often I wish I'd kept my trap shut instead of saying what was on my mind. I often admire, with some envy, those demure ladies who can smile and stay silent. Even a bit of their talent would be helpful."

    (will I ever be a I Peter type of woman with a quiet and gentle spirit?!?!)

    I really, really, really appreciate that you've taken the time to read my blog and even comment. (Have you any idea how much I LOVE comments on my blog?! It's like soul food for me.) Hope we get to meet someday and that this coming year is one of wonderful blogging. :)

  9. Hello,
    Your blog is so very much full of information and insight.
    I shall be back again and shall add your link to all of my blogs. You know that I shall be back for more to find answers to questions about your country that I was visiting in April.
    Keep up the blogging do not give up. You just need to spread the word further, thats all.
    Big smiles to the year ahead of you and as well, do not stop blogging. You have the ability to make a difference to share of the life of where you live.
    Mira Faraday

  10. Aren't you glad I made you start a blog now?! I knew you'd be good at it! (Or perhaps normal life was better!!!)

    You certainly packed a lot into a year, all the best for this one xxx

  11. No Place Like Home was responsible for getting me started, so it's her to blame!

    Thank you all for your comments. I really have loved meeting you all, and look forward to continuing our online friendships. I truly learn so much from fellow bloggers. I also love 'dropping in' to your blogs just to say 'Hi' and feel like I've had some adult company in my day.

    Blessings for 2011, and - as Kirsteen said - Bliadhna Mhath Ur! (Happy New Year, in Gaelic - obviously!) x

  12. I love your year in review, and I really love visiting your blog.

    I too, do not get out much, and blogging has given me the social life I never dreamed I'd have.ha Friends from Scotland all the way to California, it's really very interesting, and I'm so thankful to have made your acquaintance!

    It really is amazing to meet so many wonderful people, here online, through blogs. I've been so blessed by yours!

    Blessings to you too! -hugs from across the big pond!

  13. Discovering your blog has been a real blessing to me. It's been a wonderful year and I look forward to sharing this next one with you :)

  14. I know I have visited you before but cannot remember if I left a comment! I will just have to sign up to follow your blog so I don't lose track. I notice some friends of mine leaving comments, isn't that funny - bumping into people from Australia I have never met but count as friends when they 'visit' Scotland! Blogging is amazing! I'm also an Ann but without the e. Also a homeschooler. Originally from England but now living on a little piece of paradise in Australia which is not the life I imagined I would one day lead having grown up in the city. My cousin lives on Lewis - she is a crofter and I am always amazed when I receive her newsletter each Christmas and see what she is able to grow in such a challenging climate. She came to stay with me when she visited Australia - from your winter to our summer!
    Looking forward to getting to know you this year.

  15. Your cousin lives in Lewis??!! That's amazing! It really is a small world!
    Thanks for stopping by, and for following - it means you will be able to keep up with my (almost) daily ramblings about everything and nothing. I hope you stick with me! As I suggested in my ramblings in this post, I'm constantly amazed that folks actually want to drop by and have the proverbial cuppa and chat. Without the cuppa!
    Off to call round at your Eight acres :)

  16. I don't come to your blog a whole lot, but when I do I catch up. It is really enjoyable. And it's interesting to meet someone from Scotland that has a Christian community that I can relate with, even though you're way over there. Thank you
