
Weaver's Poem

I'm not keeping you all in suspense intentionally. My final, final, post on Harris Tweed will be tomorrow, and - yes - the Giveaway too. But bear with me for this interlude...

Kathleen has this poem on the wall behind her as she works at her loom.

My life is but a weaving
between the Lord and me
I cannot choose the colours
He worketh steadily

Oft times He weaveth sorrow
And I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper,
and I the underside.

Not til the loom is silent
and the shuttles cease to fly
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reasons why.

The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver's skilful hand
As the threads of gold or silver
in the pattern He has planned.

He knows, He loves, He cares
Nothing this truth can dim
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice to Him.


  1. So beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing all the interesting posts about Harris Tweed, but especially this one with the beautiful poem. You are a blessing to many of us!

  2. It has always been one of my favorite poems. I think about it when something happens I just cannot understand. When I was in high school, Corrie Ten Boom came to our town to speak. I went and sat spellbound as she said the poem from memory with a bit of embroidery in her hand as she showed the back side. Then she turned it over and it was a very beautiful tapestry. I always think of that.
    We might not see what we will be but God knows who we are.
    Thanks it is a sweet reminder.

  3. Love that poem! Thanks for sharing it!

  4. What a wonderful poem. I have never read/heard this before. Wonderful.

  5. FarmGirl.... what an amazing experience to have hear Corrie ten Boom speak in person! Her book was one of the first I ever read as a child, and I shall never forget the effect it had on me.

    Thank you all for reading, and for commenting. I do like the poem and the sentiments....well worth remembering x

  6. Anne, Just a quick note...Sarah didn't want you to think her post too half witted! She has not been able to post comments for a few days now....I have noticed others blogging about the same issue. Not certain why I haven't had an issue. Anyhow...Just so you know!
    Have a grand day!

  7. Haha, Keri - I did think that .... and just after I'd been on her blog, I was on another one that hadn't been allowing comments, so I guessed there was a problem in blogland!

  8. What a beautiful poem! And, I'm sure you do, but I must ask...do you know MUSIC OF THE LOOM? It's one of my daughter's favorite songs. Here's a link to the lyrics: http://mysongbook.de/msb/songs/m/musicoft.html

  9. What a beautiful poem. It is one I have never read before, so thank you for sharing it.

  10. Love the poem.......

    I, too, thought of Corrie ten Boom when I read it. Thanks for sharing that Farmgirl! I would have loved to have met Corrie. My other "spiritual mother" was Elisabeth Elliot. I am thankful to have been able to meet her. It was a true blessing to hug her and tell her thank you on this side of heaven. :)

  11. Hi Prverbs31heart.... I had never heard that song, but I looked it up and listened.... thanks for that, because I'd never come across it before!

    Leslie.... another 'mother in Israel'. What a blessing to have met her. Yes, we do long to meet this side of heaven even though we know we'll meet on the other side ;)


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