
Harris Tweed Song

 The lyrics to the song are pasted below. I appreciate that they will mean absolutely nothing to non-Gaelic speakers, but I thought it was still worth posting - both the song and the lyrics.

It's basically a funny song about the frustrations of a weaver (you remember all the individaul threads in Kathleen's post? Well, when something goes wrong, can you imagine having to go through each and every thread looking for the problem; and then having to undo work you've already done so you're able to sort it out.

In the song, the weaver wonders whether the loom is going to be profitable for him; whether he'll want to chuck the whole thing and head to Australia if it all becomes too much; whether he'll end up a laughing-stock for bringing such an item to his home in the first place.

And the chorus comes back again and again to the frustrations of this loom when something goes wrong.  Enjoy!

Sèist (Chorus)
'S i bheairt a rinn mo shàrachadh;
'S i bheairt a rinn mo shàrachadh;
Nuair a chuir mi innte spàl
Bhrist ise h-uile snàth a bh' ann.
'S i bheairt a rinn mo shàrachadh.

Ged nach eil mi eòlach oirr',
Tha eagal orm nach còrd i rium;
Tha na h-iomallan innte cho dlùth
Agus chan eil sùil far 'm bu chòir dha bhith.

'S a bheil sibh an dùil am pàigh i dhomh,
No am buin i ri mo nàdar-sa?
Ma sin fìor, gun tèid mi fhìn
A-null air sgrìob a dh'Astràilia.

'S e chanas cuid dhe mo chàirdean rium,
"'S ann ort a bha am fàilligeadh;
Bha thu gun diù agus 's tu bha faoin
Nuair a thug thu 'n taobh-sa phlàigh bha sin."

'S ged bheirinn Eachann Sheòrais thuic'
'S gun cuir e i an òrdugh dhomh,
'S e chanas e rium, "Chan eil innt' ach a' bhrùid
Thàinig a-nall à Uig - nach bu chòir i sin."


  1. The song had a lovely rhythm to it even though I could not understand the words! My 6 yr old brother enjoyed listening to it to, he thought it sounded very funny!

  2. Twas a very fun listen! I like the tune! Thanks for putting the lyrics with it....its fun to try to follow along.
    Have a great day, Anne! Lord bless you!

  3. Off topic, but I had to say - I love your new header photo. Very, very nice!! :)

  4. Enjoyed the song and slide show; thanks for the translation. Had fun catching up on your blog, and learning the history of Harris Tweed. It is all very interesting, and I think the tweed is so nice to look at.

    The bowling looked like great fun as well. We like to bowl on occasion.
    Many Blessings Anne
    Much Love,


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