And blessed be His glorious name
to all eternity;
The whole earth let his glory fill,
Amen, so let it be.
If you have never been part of a heartily singing congregation, singing this psalm to the tune Effingham, you don't know what you're missing! There are some things in this life you really have got to experience. This is one of them. We have just had our communion weekend. If you have never heard of Scottish Communions, read about them here:
We had a wonderful time of remembering Christ's death, of listening to God's word being preached, of fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ. These weekends are so special, and their fragrance lasts and lasts.
So...I better introduce! I am Anne, wife of one - the Builder - and mother of four, all of whom you'll meet soon. I will post photos up shortly. When? Oh well, okay, I may as well be honest. I will post photos when my daughters are here with me. They're more technologically minded than I am. And no, that wouldn't take much.
We homeschool. Learning about, and beginning to home-schooling is probably the single most life-changing event that happened to us, apart from our being saved. Our journey has been nothing short of awesome, life-changing, all-consuming. Homeschooling was almost unheard of in Scotland when we began this journey. Even now, nearly ten years on, most people have never heard of such a thing. I wouldn't swap it for the world.
We live on an island off the West coast of Scotland. Bit by bit, I will tell you more and more about our home life, our community, our heritage. So much to say. I hope it will whet your appetite for this fabulous part of the world.
Last week, we began planting seeds - indoors. Until two years ago, I'd never so much as kept a plant alive for more than a week. Then we began growing some vegetables. Last year, we grew even more. I became hooked. Big time. More on this in the weeks to come. And yes, more photos.
Before I close this first post, I must tell you that the Builder and I went on a date this week. Big deal? Yep. Hey - four kids, homeschooling.....need I say more. This is not a regular occurrence. In fact, this really is not an occurrence. So - the other evening we got out together and went to.............actually, I don't think I'll say. A momentary lapse into knowing when to hold my tongue. Rest assured, this will not happen often. Probably as often as dates with the Builder. It'll all be revealed soon. I just don't do the holding-my-tongue stuff well. Watch this space.
You'll laugh. Or cry.