
Christ in Creation

If you want to read Genesis 1 like you've never read it before, have a listen to Christ in Creation, preached by Dr David Murray.

This was one person's comment:

“ Thought Provoking and Powerful ”
I love it when the preacher makes a beeline straight for Christ from the opening of the message and continues on that theme throughout. Dr. Murray beautifully illustrates that every single aspect of the created world was planned by Christ and executed to bring glory to Christ in the outworking of our redemption. You won't look at the natural world in the same way after hearing this powerful message.

1 comment:

  1. We were there!!!!!!!
    CRBC is where we go to church! Dr. Murray was an excellent speaker and a very humble man. I had tears in my eyes through the whole sermon.

    I've been a little under the weather, lately, but I have been reading your blog "quietly." I enjoy your posts, Anne.



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