In the past 24 hours, we have had quite a number of ships passing. Some have crossed the Atlantic and are heading to various parts of Northern Europe. For others, we are the last land they'll see until they reach the shores of North or Central America.
I'll give the name of the ship, where they are heading, and where they have come from. Calum spent some time yesterday afternoon looking at GoogleEarth, and at a globe, tracing the journeys of some of the boats. Who says you need a classroom to teach Geography?!

Maybe you and yours will have some fun looking up some of these places. I intentionally did not put the names of the countries with the destinations. How many countries would you guess just from the spellings? Isn't language fascinating?!
The Olympic Miracle passed heading for Cristobal, Panama.
It sailed from Kaliningrad.
The Aegean Faith passed heading for Houston, Texas.
It sailed from Teesport.
The Santa Maria passed heading for Puerto, Bolivar.
It sailed from St Petersburg.
The Bro Alma passed heading for Mongstad, Russia.
It sailed from Dublin.
The Montreal Express passed heading for Montreal.
It sailed from Antwerp.
The Green Cooler passed heading for Las Palmas.
It sailed from Sirevaag.
The United Treasure passed heading for Norfolk, VA.
It sailed from Hamburg.
They say it's a small world. It may be, but it's fascinating too.
And He has the whole world in His hands.
Who go to sea in ships, and in
great waters trading be,
Within the deep these men God's works
and His great wonders see.
For He commands, and forth in haste
the stormy tempest flies,
Which makes the sea with rolling waves
aloft to swell and rise.
They mount to heav'n, then to the depths
they do go down again;
Their soul doth faint and melt away
with trouble and with pain.
They reel and stagger like one drunk,
at their wit's end they be:
Then they to God in trouble cry,
who them from straits doth free.
The storm is changed into a calm
at His command and will;
So that the waves with raged before,
now quiet are, and still.
Then are they glad, because at rest
and quiet now they be:
So to the haven He them brings,
which they desired to see.
O that men to the Lord would give
praise for His goodness then,
and for His works of wonder done
unto the sons of men!
Psalm 107: 26-31 (Scottish Psalter)