
On Patrice's Porch, with Oklahoma on our Minds

Today, I can barely think of anything but Oklahoma and the dreadful scenes we've seen on our screens over the past day. I feel sad for all those who have lost their homes and all their possessions, but my heart is sore for those who have lost loved ones.

How little possessions matter in comparison with people.

I'm glad to spend a wee while on your porch, Patrice, but my mind is really south-west of you. Were we actually on your porch, I have no doubt but that our talk would be all about Okie and the tragedy there.

1. Are you a heavy sleeper, light sleeper, or somewhere in between?

I'm a fairly heavy sleeper. I also love my sleep, and woe betide anyone who disturbs it. Thankfully, I was blessed with four babies who loved their sleep as much as I love it myself.

2. Are you currently reading anything interesting?

I normally go off into a quiet room at our lunch break, and during this hour, I read the Bible and some other book. I've had different ones on the go over the past while, and I'd thought today of blogging about some of them. Great minds, Patrice ;)

At the moment, I am reading one chapter of The Attributes of God every lunch time. I have to say that some of the chapters (actually, all of them) have been so wonderful that I have tended to re-read many of them.

On the go at other times of the day is a selection of books, including The Promised One: Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament, which the girls and I are studying together, and any number of cookery books.

3. Do you like to enter contests?

I have barely never entered contests. I do make myself laugh at times, maybe when I hear of someone I know winning something. I may say to one of the kids, 'I never win anything', to which they'll reply, 'Do you every try?'.

'Ahhh,' I admit.... 'that'll explain it'!

4. Are you good about taking time to do things you enjoy?

Well, I'm not sure how to answer this. I do know what the question means but there is little I enjoy more than simply being at home with the Builder and the kids.

Having said that, I have realized this past year that I probably ought to make more effort to look after myself. I did realize how important the lunch-hour-quiet-time I spoke of in Question #1 is for me. For a few months last year, I had to change my routine, and I missed out on this me time, and I did not fare well. 

I realized that I need times of silence. Of knowing I won't be disturbed (barring a major emergency). Of simply not having to talk. Or to listen.

I do feel wonderful if, after our evening meal, the kids sort the kitchen out and the Builder and I sit in the Lounge with a cuppa and have some time simply to chill and chat. That half-hour or so is a real treat to me.

5. What's your favourite food to cook on the grill, or enjoy at a BBQ?

I have to admit to not being overly keen on BBQ food. I'm not a fan of charcoal, so when we're having BBQs here, I tend to have most of our foods pre-cooked, and then just chuck 'em on the grill for a short time just to heat them up, and to give enough of a BBQ flavour to fool everyone else.

Yep, I'm a cheat.


  1. I love to read these chats with your friend Patrice. It helps me learn more about you! One of Jeff's favorite books is The Attributes of GOD by AW Pink.

    I especially love hearing your heart's priorities in question #4.....GOD, the Builder and then the children. Yep, I am glad I call you friend.

    1. Thanks, Leslie for that. I hadn't really noticed any order in #4, but that is certainly the order I would *choose* to have in my life. xx

  2. I'm sorry you dont like barbecue...you just haven't tasted my brother's wood-cooked pig with homemade sauce. It is out-of-this-world! He and a friend did a pig for our church picnic Sunday and it was quite good. Wish you could've tasted it!

    1. I think store-bought BBQ sauce is possibly why I dislike BBQ flavour so much. I'm guessing it's nothing like a proper homemade one :)

      Nothing 'bought' ever is, is it? ;)

  3. BTW, I sent you an email yesterday, and was wondering if it made it over there?

    1. No, I didn't get an email. Was it to anneemag23@aol.com ?

      Could you try sending it to this email address - my old email doesn't behave at. all. Thanks :)

  4. I'm not into charred food either. I like it on the grill, but it must be pulled off at the right time. I think it's wonderful that you and the builder can have that time after dinner. My daughter is settled in and seems very happy. Jet lag didn't hit until today. :/ She's staying at a really nice place. I have Skyped with her twice in the two days she's been there. I'm happy for that technology! :)

  5. I love that you consider spending time with your husband & children things you enjoy. Time flies so fast & before we know it they're grown. Have a blessed week :O)

  6. I do rather like BBQ. Pulled pork slow, basted with root beer and finished with sauce. Yum.
