
Patrice's Porch - the Sun Causing the Delay

Now, Patrice, everyone who knows me knows it's not like me to be late.

(The sound you folks across the Atlantic just heard was the sound of my sister choking on her coffee. Serves her right for scoffing.)

Okay, so I'm sometimes not quite on time, but I have good reason for being late on your porch this week.

The reason is ...

We have had sunshine. Two evenings ago, I took this as I washed the dinner dishes.

Lots and lots of sunshine. This was yesterday...

and this was today. We abandoned all thoughts of school, and instead of learning the theory of how sunshine causes the pigment melanin to multiply when our skin is exposed to sunshine, we simply let the sun do its work! 

By the way, this 'plane is heading to Chicago.

And so to your questions, Patrice. Oh, and once again, thank you for them, and for allowing me to spend some time this week again on your lovely porch.

1. When you were a child, what age did you think was "OLD"?

Whatever age my parents were at - that was old. My grandparents were the next level of old: they were ancient!

And now, of course, I realize that I am the age my mum was when I was Catherine's age. I want to argue vociferously with this fact, but of course ... facts are facts and one cannot argue with them, no matter how unpalatable they are ;)

2. How often do you have dessert?

Actually, we have dessert only seldom.

Seldom? Seldomly?

Let me re-phrase. We seldom have dessert. Phew! That sounds better. 

3. What's your favourite kind of exercise?

Favourite? Are you for real?

4. Do you watch movies on TV, movies from a rental or the library, or movies online?

If we watch movies, they are almost always from DVDs we've bought. We have a store of them in the house, and we tend to watch some of them over and over again! Over the winter is our time for a weekend evening of watching a DVD and stuffing lots of chocolate into our mouths.

5. Tell me something you remember about your grandmother's/grandfather's house? I'm thinking of something you saw all of the time, like a picture, clock, statue, teapot ... or something that was always there.

Well, one of my grandfathers lived with us, so his house was my house. I've spoken of my Grandpa before, and even though I was only nine when he passed away, he still fills such a place in my heart. I loved him so, so much.

My paternal grandparents lived twenty-five miles away in Stornoway. They lived in the cutest little cottage, which was painted white. It really was lovely, and my 'picture' memories of their house would consist of three things:

1. the actual house. So cute.
2. a tree in the garden. A rope swing hung from one of its branches. We had no trees in Ness, so climbing the tree and swinging from it was a huge novelty.
3. the orange drink Granny made us: she used diluting juice but added lemonade (fizzy lemonade), and it was delicious!

Oh, my other strong memory of their home is my Grandpa's shed. He loved to tinker with engines and was always in his shed. Yes, I like that you brought that memory back to me, Patrice.

Now, I'm sorry to leave in somewhat of a hurry, but I have rays to catch. Remember, we may not see too much of this weather any more this summer, so one has to take one's opportunities ....

Oh, I'll leave you with last night's sunset. I took this at around 10.20pm, and although the photo looks dark, it was still bright outside. 


  1. Beeeeeeeeeaaauuuutiful! Enjoy!
    We are still having cool cloudy rainy looking days!.....but your pictures are encouraging!...that the sun really does exist!

    1. Let's hope it's like this when the girls are here... I really do hope so, Keri :)

  2. I want to know how you know the plane was going to Chicago. ??? I am always late. I was born early and have been making up for it ever since. Your sister shouldn't scoff like that.I am rather fond of stuffing chocolate in my mouth as I watch movies. Cookies work well too!I enjoyed reading your childhood memories. You have some lovely photos. Your corner of the world is quite photogenic!

    1. We have an app on the ipad, Patrice, but don't ask me what it's called. The kids have it, checked it out and told me the plane was heading to Chicago - coming from Frankfurt ... Don't you love technology!

  3. I love your response for favorite exercise. You crack me up.

    Seems so strange to me to have people put a halt on things because of the sun. I like clouds. :)

    1. Well *really*, Rachel.... FAVOURITE!! (that would mean I'd not only have to have done AN exercise - it means I'd have had to have done lots to *compare* them.

      Are you kidding? ;)

  4. Wonderful pictures thanks for sharing

    1. Thank you, Tiffany. I keep thinking I'll bore folks with the photos, but I forget that not everyone can see the sea and the sunsets out their kitchen windows :)

  5. Everything is put aside when the sun is shining here, too. I don't know how they get any work done in California. We just returned from a sunny holiday there. I see we enjoy the same favorite exercise. Next time I'm in Scotland, we'll get together to do it.

    Oh, does chocolate not count as dessert?

    1. Mrs S, I would *love* to get together to do my favourite exercise with you, and to make it slightly more strenuous, we could have our non-dessert chocolate whilst doing our favourite exercise ;)

  6. Great pictures, sheets on the line is my favorite/

    1. .... they got a quick iron and were back on the bed that night. It's *delicious* going into a bed with line-dried sheets newly on :)

  7. Your side of the world is so pretty. Your pictures are even prettier. I can't believe it is still light at 10 p.m. We're usually tucked in tight with lights out by then. Have a blessed week :o)

    1. Sherri, it's SO difficult to 'switch off' in the evenings until it's really late. Poor hubby is up every morning at 5.45am, so he really does have to *make* himself go to bed ... when it's daylight outside!

  8. I think you misspelled "favorite." ;-) ;-) ;-)

    1. *I* think you Americans may need a Brit to come teach you spelling again ;)

    2. :)

      Well, you are certainly MOST welcome to come anytime!! But you might find that we remain poor spellers, despite your excellent teaching. ;-)
