
Preparing for Thanksgiving

Tomorrow, we will have our Thanksgiving dinner. Today, I went out to the plot to lift some of the vegetables we'll eat.

Yet another cause of thanksgiving...

Along with the turkey, we'll have roasted carrots, parsnips and red onion...

... and brussel sprouts, which I par-boiled today and tomorrow I'll stir-fry them with butter and bacon.

The turkey is swimming in Nigella Lawson's brine, awaiting tomorrow's roasting.

I made a couple of Apple and Raspberry crumbles today, and (in the interests of my guests, of course) tested one of them tonight. I've never made it before, so can't really tell whether it tasted like it ought to taste or not.

I liked it, but I'm no crumble connoisseur. 

I hope y'all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day.

Tomorrow, I'll keep all of you who are on Homeschool's Facebook page up to date with how the cooking's going.

Tomorrow, whilst I slave over a hot stove, you Americans will be either:

a) eating left-over-turkey sandwiches

b) washing dishes you didn't have the energy to wash tonight

c) groaning over how much you ate today


d) pushing and shoving your way through Black Friday sales (that will bring out the best in y'all....ahem).


  1. Sounds yummy!! I think I will sneak over to your Facebook page and watch the progression of the cooking tomorrow.

    Can I come eat the leftovers?

  2. You'll have a fine feast!! My s-i-l brined the turkey, too. It was fab!!! Never had one done like that before and I've wanted to try it.Have a wonderful day. Love to all...oxo

  3. I hope you have a wonderful meal! I love the produce you were able to get from your gardens & the crumbles sound delicious! I love apple & rhubarb crumble ~ it's my favourite!
    Have a lovely weekend

  4. You have vegetables still in the ground and green grass! We have 8 inches of snow on the ground! I hope you folks have a lovely meal.

  5. No Black Friday shopping for me! I hope you enjoyed the feast.
