
Pre-Thanksgiving on Patrice's Porch

Good morning, Patrice. And a Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends here on the porch! Us Brits don't do Thanksgiving like you folks do, but because so much of our reading  materials and curriculum materials are American, we feel like we're part of your celebration.

It's blowing a hoolie here today. The ferry was cancelled last night, and has already been cancelled for the end of the week. I'm so glad I'm not having to cross today. I feel Bleugh! just thinking of it!

And so on to your first question...

1. What are you thankful for?

Oh boy, where do I begin? Those of you've visited me on my blog for some time will know of the countless blessings I have, and you will know there are too many to write here. So, just for something different, I am going to say that I am thankful for the internet.

Yes, I know the internet gets a bad press, and on many occasions, it's with good reason. But I don't know where I'd be without it. All my schooling materials are either downloaded, bought online, or are at least discovered online. 

I have so many encouraging 'friends' online: some of them don't know I even exist! I also have online friends with whom I am in touch frequently. I am so thankful I've 'met' them. They have been of such blessing to me. I hope we meet this side of eternity, but if we don't, we'll meet in endless praise to our Saviour.

And despite a lot of my blog-life, whether writing or reading, being not-strictly-necessary to my life, I am thankful for my daily light relief.

So, all in all, warts an' all, I am thankful for this place we call the internet.

2. Jellied cranberry or whole berry cranberry?

Say, wha'?? 

3. How many will sit at your dinner table Thursday?

Let me first point out that here, in the UK, in English we'd say 'on Thursday'. Got it? We do things on days. We don't do things...days. Get it? We'd have people sitting at our table on Thursday.

You guys care? No, thought not. Still, I thought it my civic duty to let y'all know.

Oh, and by the way, we don't in Gaelic. 

Don't do things on days. We just do things..days.

Is this clear? Crystal clear?

What was the question? Oh yes, dinner table and numbers. Well, our Thanksgiving day, here in Lewis, is on Thursday, but we don't do Thanksgiving like you guys over there. We have Thanksgiving services, but we've never developed a family-get-together type tradition. However, me being me, and me always looking for an excuse for a good scoff, we are having a Thanksgiving turkey on Friday. (Did you notice that?.... on Friday). Aye, I'll make English scholars of all you Americans yet. So, on Friday, we plan to have eleven around our table. 

Man alive. That was a long answer, just to say: 11

4. Would anyone who visits the porch be interested in some type of Christmas card or small gift exchange?

Well, I think it would be a lovely idea if you're in the same country. Postage would probably be prohibitive for sending and receiving to and from here. But I'd say to y'all to Go for It! I think you'll love it.

5. Do you venture out on Black Friday?

Er... wrong country again. Does it have something to do with the cranberries in Question 2? 

Actually, I know what it is, and it's probably akin to our Boxing Day sales. What can I say? I'm in Lewis... and linking back to the first question, I'm thankful I can shop online. Phew! All that rushing, and stamping, and grabbing, and bargains, and.... er, hang on... I'm beginning to think I'm missing out on something here.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, all you Americans. Like you, we have so very, very much to be thankful for.

"Praise ye the Lord. O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever." Ps 106v1


  1. Anne - Cranberry sauce, or cranberry jelly? I think that's what they mean?...personally, I like a bit of both! :-D I must get on and join in today - things are a bit manic around here! :-) Don't get blown away. x

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you. And, just for the record, I say "on" Thursday. :)

  3. I'm still cracking up over your cranberry sauce answer. And yes, I am thankful for the internet also. I am thankful for YOU.

    God bless you and your family.

  4. You made me laugh so hard "on" this Wednesday before Thanksgiving!

    You are a blessing to me! Happy Thanksgiving, Anne!

  5. You used the word "scoff" in the same way we do on this Island! We already had our Thanksgiving in October, but happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate it this week. Blessings!

  6. What a special post! This is perfect:) I am seriously loving your blog! It is so informative and I think my subscribers would really enjoy reading your stuff. I would love for you to come share any number of posts at Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on Frugally Sustainable (http://frugallysustainable.blogspot.com/2011/11/frugal-days-sustainable-ways-2.html). I really hope that you will put Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways on your list of carnivals to visit and link to each Wednesday!

    Andrea @ Frugally Sustainable
    Here's the link: http://www.frugallysustainable.com

  7. I think it would be nice to live where there are not tons and tones of people to have to navigate around. This time of year I wish I lived on your island, and rode a ferry to get there.
    I would even like the wind.
    Cranberries are lovely.
    Black Friday sales, are terrible.
    Have a great week.

  8. I Liked answer #1, and had such a good laugh over your other answers. I was thinking in such American terms with my questions.
    You have my apology. Oops! I must specify that we will have our feast ON Thursday. We will eat Thursday- perhaps we will have Friday for dessert! We do manage to butcher the English language, but we're kind of cute!

    Many people here purchase canned cranberry products to serve with turkey. The jellied one has no pieces of fruit in it, but the whole berry type is lovely like a preserve. Some folks make their own by boiling the cranberries with sugar and orange peel. My Brit friend thinks that all of the sweet things we serve with meat are disgusting. I served a leg of lamb with mint jelly. She insisted that we must use mint sauce!I was lectured on the difference and told that jelly was for toast only.I will have both things next time she visits- maybe some toast too!

    Have an enjoyable meal ON-ON-ON-ON-ON-ON Thursday!I thought I'd put a couple extra ones in there in case I missed something. :)

  9. The point is, cranberry in any form is necessary on Thanksgiving; why I don't know. I don't know if even the pilgrims ate cranberries... but we do, and therefor it must be done. Perhaps you will join us for Thanksgiving next year? That would be fun.
    Love you lots,
    and Happy Thanksgiving

    P.S. I believe I actually say it both ways.. but most often I say "what are you doing Thursday.." without the on.

  10. I'm pretty sure most people would include the word "on" in that sentence ... I would. I think the question sounds pretty funny otherwise.

    Thanks for celebrating our holiday with us! Thankful for you, Anne. :)

  11. I always love your porch posts! It's made me aware that Australians take most of our traditions & ways of speaking from England rather than the US ( which makes sense considering we were settled by the English ~ yes, I know we were just a huge 'jail' but anyway...)
    As for the cranberry question ~ I've got no idea either.
    Have fun
