
Blue skies...

I just got a Facebook notification saying:

Katie just added a photo of you.

And so I went to look at what masterpiece she'd unearthed and posted on the dreaded Facebook.

This is the photo...

Er... am I missing something? 

As Jackson and I went for our morning stroll today, and watched the sun rise behind the mainland hills... 

Let's just stop right there. Doesn't that sound good? 

Me. Walking. Morning. 

Let's just dwell on these three words for a moment, realising they were placed, correctly, in one sentence.

And now I can't remember why I began the sentence in the first place. No matter: it was worth putting in just for me to emphasize these three words.  

Talking of the sunrise, if you head over to Eoropie Tearoom's Facebook page, you can watch a video of that very sun rising, this very morning.

Have you watched it? See the mainland hills? Nice.

I reckon if any future tourists are planning on visiting Lewis, they might think of booking a November holiday. These past few days have been as bonny as any days we've had all year. Last year, around this time, we took OMSH on a tour of our local sights.

We showed him the lighthouse,

and Port Beach

The skies were blue that day too. And that was November. So... mark my words - you wanna see our island bathed in sunshine, visit in November.

The Tourist Board ought to pay me for my in-depth studies into weather patterns on the island. Just sayin'


  1. Yes, they should pay you. :o) Our November has been very nice as well, in fact our entire Autumn season has been so enjoyable. What a lovely picture of your sheep! And I'm so proud of you, out walking in the morning, wish I could join you.

    Hugs to you, sweet friend!

  2. Oh dear, that picture of "you" made me laugh out loud! :)
    Looks like we've been having rather similar weather, though it's not quite typical here...I think it is one of the nicest falls our piece of Washington has had in a couple years! Mmmm...sunshine!

  3. It certainly looks lovely there. I hope this sunny weather lasts a bit longer!

  4. Love that picture of "you"! lol

  5. It's funny, but our lovely California beaches are glorious and sunny in November, too. In June they're so dark and foggy that it's known as June Gloom. :-)

  6. It is very interesting indeed to find out what our children are doing on facebook. Ha Ha. Well, it is a delightful picture none the less isn't it? Glad you are having beautiful November days. How does December look around there? We have been having snow already... 3 so far. We often have a slight snow at the end of October, but not a lot again until mid December and through the springtime. I can't say that I am too eager for snow yet this year, nor the mud either. Oh well.

    Love catching up with you... enjoyed reading about your bonfire on previous post... I can't believe a whole year has already gone by since the last.
    Much Love,

  7. You could be a real boost to the local tourist board!

  8. Beautiful. I'm glad I came across your blog. In 2005 my family, traveling from Oregon, visited Lewis for a short while... we spent a beautiful October day on the beach near Back. In the photos you'd think we were on a tropical isle...
