
Velcom to Vittenberg ... and a Mish-mash

Dearie me, life is busy. Where have I been?

I have been to Wittenburg.

Can y'all think why? More to follow...

You remember Jackson?

You remember - the grouse-retriever-for-Royalty?

Well, this is what he has been reduced to.

The guys were lifting potatoes today again. This time, the wind wasn't so strong, but the rain didn't stopped all day.

Mud, mud, mud. It's so much part of my life, I simply cannot imagine any other way of living.

Here's one of Katie's pizzas from the other night. This was it just before cheese was added.

The first time Katie made pizza from scratch, it was nice, but I really could only think of one thing: 

Why would anyone go to all this trouble when I could go to the freezer and stick one in the oven?

The second time she made them, I realised they are much yummier than any shop-bought ones.

And the whole job becomes less time-consuming every time she practices it.

You remember my day in town, the crane, and dinky toys?

This is now the view of my sister's back garden, taken from the bottom of 'the hole'.  

If you look right in the middle of the photo, you are able to see the top of the washing line pole. Just to give you an idea of the height of the rubble pile.

Raspberry Muffins
The photo is from Cooking for Seven's blog, and is only one of countless wonderful photos and recipes on this site.

These muffins are de-lic-ious. The streusel on top is so yummy. It reminded me of Laurie's coffee cake. You know the cake that's got coffee in its name but not in itself. I like to drink coffee, but I don't like coffee in anything, so I was mighty relieved when Laurie's coffee cake was coffee in name only.

Am I making any sense?

As well as the Raspberry Muffins, I made oatcakes and some fruit loaves today.

Then my cousin and her family came to visit.

Then my pal and her family came to visit. 

I'm so glad my house was immaculately tidy when they all came. 

Yeah, well, anyway....

While I was baking today, I listened to the sermon Why Have I Found Grace? I love that title. I love the sentiment behind the question.

I'm so glad we've been able to have a wee yarn just now. I feel like I've not seen y'all for ages. I hope y'all have a wonderful Lord's Day.

1 comment:

  1. lets not talk about blog silences! I still need to make a pregnancy announcement on mine, to let people know why I have been so quiet! I am getting my energy back, so hope to start back up full force again! Those muffins look DELISH! I love raspberry ANYTHING! Enjoyed your rambling! :-) x
