
The Loveliest Sight

You know, I see many beautiful sights.

Regularly my eyes feast on such beauty as...


Er, Jackson... that's not quite the kind of beauty I had in mind.

I meant...
...wakening up to dramatic morning skies like these, 

...or going to bed to dancing skies.

I meant

dramatic seas like these,

...peaceful beaches like this.

(How could I resist?)

Serene sunsets,

...empty beaches by day,

...and quiet beaches by sunset.

But of all the gorgeous scenes my eyes are able to feast on...

... this sight, every night before I head to bed, is simply the most lovely of all.

What is it about the sight of our sleeping children? Every single night, this beautiful sleeping face re-captures my heart. I have to drag myself away from it, because I could never tire of looking at it. Every night, I pray over this precious wee guy, not knowing what this world has in store for him, but committing Him to the One who not only knows, but has ordered all his steps.

I am so often brought to think of the countless number of children, just as beautiful to their own mothers, who do not have the blessings this wee guy has. They may live in war zones, and are unable to sleep peacefully night after night. They may live in fear, with the causes of fear on their streets, or even, perish the thought, in their home. They may live in areas suffering from famine, and though their bodies may be tired, yet peaceful sleep eludes them because of their dire hunger.

How much we have to thank God for. And each night, as I say my final Goodnight... and God bless you... to my youngest child, may I never cease to count my blessings and pray for those who have not, in God's providence, been afforded what we have.


  1. So many lovely images...and I agree about sleeping children...such a special sight. We are so truly blessed. VERY much love the beaches, too, by the way! :-)

  2. Stunning photos!! Did you really go out to the cliffs for that sea picture? It was worth it - although glad you didn't get blown over the edge!!! Beautiful x

  3. This is such a beautiful post ~ thank you for sharing! I totally agree that the sight of my children asleep is just the most beautiful one ever ~ not that your puppy isn't adorable!!
    By the way I have never, ever seen a green sky like that ~ we only get slight green tint in the clouds if it's going to hail! Your pictures are just beautiful!
    Hope you have a wonderful day

  4. Beautiful images and beautiful post! Yes, we all have so much to be thankful for!

  5. I hear your heart, my friend......such a beautiful post on the providential hand of GOD in our lives!

    You know, a hike on your side of the pond would be just as spectacular! :) Can I come.........?

  6. Very nice post. I too am thankful every night. Lovely pics -- including Jackson, who's growing up to be quite handsome.

  7. Oh, yes, yes. What a heart-felt post getting to the important things! Nice to see my young friend so peacefully resting.

  8. Hello! Our family sure enjoys your photos and heart full of love and humor. We live in Mossyrock, Washington, USA and have many things in common with you and your family. Most importantly, we love and worship Jesus too! And we have always homeschooled our children. We have a 16 year-old daughter that has loved sheep since she was a baby. (We decorated her baby nursery in Ps. 23, with lambs everywhere!
    :- ) She especially loves your sheep! She got her first "real" sheep when we moved here to our 10 acre hobby farm from our city life in the desert of Arizona. She has Rideau-Arcott sheep that she milks and makes sheep milk soap! The farm where she purchased her sheep makes and sells cheese with their herd's milk. We also have some adorable yellow labradors. (Acutally we have a total of five labs . . . in every color. . .as they are rather addicting
    :- ) Our 16 year-old is also our resident gardener. She enjoys all your posts on your garden. But your recent post really touched my heart. I too, just can't get enough of our sleeping babes. Such an extra special blessing from God. Thanks for always bringing glory to our God in everything from the spectauclar beauty around you, to the simple joys in life he daily blesses us with.

    I don't usually find too much free time to leave comments on blogs, but just felt compelled to say hello this morning. We know you're a very busy Mama too, but if ever you'd like to "visit" us, we have a couple family blogs that I could send you the links to.

    With love,

  9. Lovely post, Anne. We are truly blessed.

  10. Absolutely! What a precious post and a precious boy. We truly are blessed. Thank you for sharing all the beauty in your 'neighborhood' It is paradise.

    And YET, the Bible says 'God is our refuge and a very present help in trouble. therefore I will not fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.'

    We are blessed even should God decide to allow trials in our life, because HE is our peace and safety.

    That Jackson is adorable! He looks like the sort of fellow who could make me repent of my "no dogs" rule.

  11. Lovely post with reflections of a mother's heart. I had no idea Jackson was a duck hunter!

  12. oh ann...those picutres are breathtaking! we truly are so very blessed! :)

    mountain mama

  13. You live in one of the most beautiful breathtaking places on earth. I have to agree with you sleeping children steal our hearts away. I too was thinking just tonight about how blessed I was as I looked at my sweeties sleeping. We feared losing one to cancer but he is still with us and I thank God for him. As I prayed for each one of my sleeping babes it broke my heart to think of my own nephew who's Mama left him and I thought there is no Mama smiling at his sweet face and praying over him, I sent a quick prayer up for him and then thought of all the poor babes in this world that do not have a mama looking at their precious faces and whispering prayers for them, there are too many. Your post reminds me to think of them and pray for them. Blessings! I'm following your lovely blog!

  14. Beautiful post! It's too easy to become complacent when we have so much. Thanks for the reminder and the beautiful photos & thoughts!

  15. Your photos make me want more than ever to visit your part of Scotland. How dreadful to have lived in Scotland all my life and not to have got there yet! We ALMOST came to the Mod in Stornaway this month (daughter plays the clarsach and sings), after going to last year's in Thurso and the year before in Oban. But it clashed with a school Advanced Higher Modern Studies trip to New York about the American criminal justice system. Guess which won!
    One day...
    You're lucky still to be able to catch that glimpse of your sleeping child. Teenagers don't afford the same opportunities - I'm usually in bed before they are!

  16. Robyn, I don't think I ever got links to your blog... any chance of getting them now?

    And a very belated thank you to you all for dropping by here... :)
