
Menu Plan for This Week

Yep, earlier today, I planned the week's menu. Okay, okay, enough of your laughter (those of you who haven't fallen off your seats).

Here's my plan:

Left-overs from Sunday Roast (believe it or not, there were left-overs today, so we had that)

I'm helping my sister flit today (is 'flit' really a word? It looks weird.), so my planned Thai Fish Cakes are looking dubious.

Stewed Sausages, Mashed Potatoes


Roast Chicken, Creamed Potatoes, Roasted Veg
Lots and lots of cake, because we're at the Royal Wedding that day.

(And on that note: do any of you wish to have the company of a gorgeous, chicken-legged, talkative, question-asking, non-stop motor-mouth boy for the day?

Just asking.)

Pizza, cos it's my no-cook, stick-something-in-the-oven day.

And this Spicy Tomato Soup for lunch.

Er... Sunday Roast... Is there anything else?

The puddings - if there are to be any - will be decided on the day. 

All the above are subject to change and any complaints should be directed to the management.

Oh, hang on. I am the management. Therefore, any complaints you have... you may put in your pipe and smoke them. 

Just sayin'...


  1. Looks delicious! Friday is our pizza night. We'd love to have the chicken-legged individual to our home! He's be joining an already existing flock though!

  2. That's soup looks delish! Can you believe I've never had lamb before? Does it taste like chicken? Then I might try it...

  3. oh yum! it all sounds wonderful.....Love Heather

  4. I might just have to join you on the Royal Wedding day. Make sure you have an extra chicken leg for me ;)

  5. I am following the Sainsbury's menu plan for 5 weeks just now, it's good not having to think about what to have to cook that night and knowing what I need to buy at the supermarket! It's supposed to save money, we'll see!

  6. I'm always so impressed by those who plan menus in advance!

  7. Stewed sausages...I need a recipe. :-) Do you just fry them in their own juices? covered? then throw in the carrots? They DO look good!

  8. Sounds delish! Could I come over Friday and Saturday?
