
Labour Day .... UK Style

Apparently, in the USofA, last Monday was Labour Day (though undoubtedly, it's written Labor Day). Well, I must tell you all that last Monday was most definitely a Labour Day for us here, and by mid afternoon, that labouring had given Catherine and John their first child, and given the Builder and I our first grandchild.

Here's Caleb Finlay James a minute or two after his birth with his already doting daddy.

To say we are all in awe and in love would be understatements.

Here he is wrapped in a blanket that my Mum had knitted. When Catherine was up in Lewis back in January, Mum gave her a blue blanket and a pink one she'd already made. She pretty much knew she would not be here to see her first great-grandchild, but she wanted Catherine to have these blankets. While the blanket is most certainly not as precious as the bundle inside, it is still very precious to Catherine.

Here's our new bundle in the cradle he got from his great auntie Marina. (Emphasis on great as in old. Not as in fab. Noooo, no no, she is our old great auntie. That sounds way older than Granny!)

Uncle Calum made sure to introduce him at the first opportunity to a football and all matters football related.

Those of us who know Calum know that he talks of football matters a lot. I mean incessantly. Caleb gave a perfect demonstration of how we all tend to feel when Calum Stewart is on his 375th footballing fact of the day.

Apologies, son, but this is how it feels to us too. Caleb is speaking for us all ...

No doubt, I shall be inundating y'all with photos of our new gift in future posts. For now, I shall leave you with this thought: 

In July this year, I sat right beside my Mum's bedside as she drew her last breath and passed from this life into eternity.

Just a couple of months later, I sat right beside Catherine's bedside as my grandchild drew his first breath is this world.

Death and life. Life and death. Nothing is meaningless in God's world.


  1. Congratulations to you all. You are a blessed with a beautiful addition to the family.

    1. Thank you so much x. Yes, we are blessed indeed. I feel so privileged - beyond words - that I was there.... Amazing! x

  2. Oh Anne, beautiful words......and the last sentence.....

  3. Nothing is meaningless! So true!
    Congratulations on your first grandchild. Such a beauty!

    1. Thank you, and yes, I reckon he is too! I'm absolutely loving being a grandma, I can tell you!
      A x

  4. He's just precious! Congratulations to all of you!! ♥

    1. He really is, Anne. So very precious. We are quite besotted :)
      A x

  5. Hello, just a New Zealand reader here, of Scottish ancestry, who enjoys reading your words of faith and wisdom. Sincere congratulations on the safe arrival of your wee grandson. I have nine children - the youngest is three - and babies still fill me with a sense of wonder and contentment at God's wonderful plan. May wee Caleb's life be one of happiness and good health. Enjoy the snuggles!!

    1. Hi Jodie, how lovely to 'meeet' you :) . My Grandpa spent 12 years in NZ way back in the 20/30s, so your country has a very special place in my heart. You have nine blessings.... how wonderful <3. Having spent this past week with our newborn grandson has been amazing. So unbelievably precious. And oh, the beauty of a newly born baby - it takes my breath away. I just stare at him and get all teary-eyed!
      Anne x

  6. Marina is going to have a field day. I can just tell she is getting ready.
