
On My Doorstep...

I have more wedding posts in the offing, but lest you get fed up of me rambling on about the most important event in world history ....okay, in our lives at least .... I shall change the subject for this post.

A couple of months ago, DR and I were driving somewhere outside of the Inverness area, when I made him stop so I could photograph this scene.

I was saying to him that this kind of scene is probably my all-time favourite of all the scenic scenes I see. I do love the actual scene, but I think there’s something more going on inside my heart or my mind when I see this. Yes, it’s beautiful for my eyes to behold, but my heart feels something too. I get something of the satisfaction the farmer must feel when he sees his field at this stage. He has planted, God has watered, and the fruits of the farmer’s labours are to be seen. It’s almost the time of year when he’s going to be able to rest a little. The hard work has paid off, and the results are there to be seen. 

Bales in a field really move me.

And so, how can I not praise God that He has now placed me in a situation where, if I move 100 yds from my door, this is what I see:

And the following photo gives you a flavour of what I have to ‘endure’ on the short 3-mile drive into Inverurie, our nearest town:

And I love this photo too ...

Some people may see a landscape spoilt by man’s modern living. Pylons and windmills, they may say, ruin what could be an idyllic rural scene. But to be honest, I don’t see it that way. Yes, I see the beauty of a rural scene, but in a rather strange way, the evidence of modern blessings enhance the scene for me.

Does that make sense to y’all? It may or may not, but I’m quite used to not being made sense of in many quarters. C’est la vie!

Oh, and in case y'all hadn't noticed ... Scotland is beautiful! East, west, north and south - they all have different scenery, but I can't be the only one to be simply blown away by it.


  1. Indeed, I am well travelled but Scotland holds my heart for its beauty.

    1. I'm not surprised! All the beauty of other countries, but condensed in one small area :) x

  2. Replies
    1. I wouldn't call you a bad scholar for that, Deanna! x

  3. Replies
    1. It really is, K. Lovelier than I'd realised this part of the country was :) x

  4. It's really nice there!! Glad for you!

    1. It's so lovely, Laurie :) . Next time you visit, it'll be a very different part of the country you'll be seeing :) x

  5. What a beautiful view Anne. I am so happy that you still have such lovely countryside all around you. I feel the same about fields and hay. It is a beautiful thing to see the bounty of God's provision in its various forms…. especially out in the fields. I have loved reading about your move, and the wedding, and your sister, and your family. You have such a beautiful family. Your sister looks so much like you. Have a lovely week. Hugs, and blessings to you all.

    1. Thank you, Pam! I have thought of you often over the past months, with us both having similarities in our circumstances :)
      Glad you're enjoying the blog ... I love to have you here :)
      A x

  6. It is beautiful!! I try to see God's hand in everything . . . the old and the new :0! Blessings my friend!

    1. Thank you, my dear :) . Yes, I think the more we look for God's blessings in everything, the more, more, MORE we find!
