
Views, More Views, and then ... Some News

This post is rather picture-heavy, but bear with me and read to the end.

As y'all know, I love the scenes presented to me from the windows of our home.

I love it in the evening, when the sky becomes alive with so many shades of orange,

and pinks, and purples.

I love the scenery in the morning, 

when the village is silhouetted against the rising sun,

and the sky can seem like it's on fire.

 I love it in the afternoons, when a blue sky and gentle breeze can give perfect conditions for drying the laundry.

Or later in the afternoon, when the sun's glow is more gentle and the rays soften the landscape.

Even Jackson seems to appreciate the beauty from time to time.

And I love it when the sky isn't quite so blue, and the drama of the sky and the landscape make for a perfect scene.

I love it when the evening is calm, and a busy day melts away with the peace and serenity that follows the busy-ness of a hectic day.

And I love it when I am fortunate enough to see the heavens light up, not only with the countless stars up above, but with the dancing colours of an aurora.

 In all the years we've lived in this house, I have never, ever tired of gazing out our kitchen, our lounge, and our family room windows. 

How could one tire of this kind of beauty?

Beauty that never stays the same,

but changes with every passing minute.

Beauty that reflects God's glory and His promises

 that speaks of His mercies being new every morning, and His glory being declared in the heavens above.

Of course, you all know that I love these sights, because I go on and on about them constantly. Those of you who follow Homeschool on the Croft's Facebook page know all too well how much I love them because you are inundated (constantly) with photos of 'this morning's sunrise', or 'this evening as the sun set', or 'today's Atlantic waves crashing over the Butt'. 

Yes, I have been known to go on and on about the beauty of our surroundings. And the reason I've spent all this time in this blog post going over some of these previously posted photos is that I have to tell y'all that soon, this will no longer be the view out of my kitchen window. 

Indeed, I have no idea what I will see out of my kitchen window. All I know is that it will not be the Atlantic, it will not be Habost Machair, it will not be the Butt of Lewis lighthouse and Eoropie. We are moving. 

There, I've said it. Written it, even ... which makes it seem even more sure. The Builder has work on the mainland. He is leaving in the next few weeks, and we will all leave here once our house is sold. I'll speak more of it over the next wee while, but for now ...

... anyone want to buy a house?

(I can recommend the view!)


  1. Oh! That makes me sad! You can't go!
    It is really hard to move, but to leave such a place!

    1. I have to agree that in terms of 'what is seen', it is much harder to leave here than it would be to leave a city home... :)
      But don't be sad ... I will stay as Homeschool OFF the Croft!
      A x

  2. What a surprise Anne! I am sure it wasn't an easy decision to make. I am sure you have the mind of the Lord and when He leads you must follow. God bless x

    1. Yes, Anne. We haven't often felt God's leading so clearly. That really makes all the difference... A x

  3. Good luck on the new chapter in your life!

    1. Thank you, Traci ... no doubt you'll be hearing how things go in the months ahead :)

  4. Wowee! Are you sure it's not because the USSR has been sailing their subs around up there? Seriously..I imagine you'll wind up back there if you want/need too..some day. Right now..a new adventure! Where will you move to?

    1. Lol! And yes, you never know, it could be our place of retirement. It'll always be the place of our hearts :)
      We will move to the Inverness area, Sheila.
      A x

  5. For a minute there I thought you were moving HERE! Please come and visit sometime...! Anyway, I know that Lord in His providence has good things in store for you.

    1. Oh, how exciting THAT would be!! Maybe one day we will indeed get to visit. That would be wonderful :)
      Blessings, A x

  6. Wow - crazy changes this year! Praying for you in the midst of them all. <3

  7. Oh my! It will be difficult to leave, but I have a feeling there are some more beautiful and inspiring vistas for you to shoot! With your appreciation of all that our Father in Heaven gives us all, you will find new special people and places! If only we could pick up and buy your home, however it is a long ways from there to here in Washington State, near Seattle, to move!

  8. Dear Anne, wow, what beautiful pictures and what astounding news. It was only just yesterday I rode with you up to Inverness when you flitted from Glasgow. I shall sing and pray Psalm 84 for you and yours. Surely Lord will be with you wherever you go but you may have to squint a lot harder to see His handiwork depending on where he lands you (-:

    1. Yes, Susan! How much has happened in these years :)
      Psalm 84 ... how beautiful
      A x

  9. So excited to see where the Lord is taking your beautiful family!
    Looking forward with you!

    1. Yes, Keri ... it is exciting. And we do feel totally as peace with it *whilst* we look to HIM. Once we take our eye off Him, we begin to panic a bit :)
      A x

  10. My own home is up for sale, but the market is slow at the moment locally. We intend to live the dream and move to the Isle of Lewis. Wishing you well with your house sale and move.

    1. How funny! I do hope you get your house sold and that you're able to move here. It really is a wonderful place in so many ways :)
      Where are you right now?
      A x

  11. Enjoyed following you on Facebook and here, can most certainly empathise with the stunning views in this island. I do nothing but post pictures from Stornoway, albeit the backdrop is not quite as good as yours. I wish you well with the move and sale of the house, and all the best for the future, wherever that may be.

    1. Thank you so much ... and I do hope I'll be in a place with 'worthwhile photos' to post :)

  12. oh no! That makes me sad too. I will miss all your lovely pictures, but I am sure everything will be better or you wouldn't be doing it. Change can be good too.

    I would love to buy your house, but coming from Florida, not sure I could handle your weather. :)

    1. I reckon our 'gentle breeze' may be just a bit much for you ;) !

  13. Don't sell the house, you should rent it to those of us that have wished we were living where you do since we started following your blog. :) I'm so sorry about the move. Praying for the Lord's blessing on your life. When I had to move from the midwest to Seattle (OUCH! I dislike big cities) the Lord blessed me with more than I left behind. He planted me 4 blocks from the only Christian writers group in the state of Washington and a homeschool co-op that has been a huge part of my life. May you find the blessings the Lord has prepared as you go where he goes.

    1. That *really* encourages me, Mindy. His ways are not our ways ... but His ways are *always* right.
      A x

  14. Even with the little jump I got on your moving news, I can hardly believe it is real. I agree that you could probably do pretty well if you just rented it to each of us, your followers/friends, in turn. You will have amazing accounts of how God can take you from such beauty to more of His beauty in a totally different place. xox

    1. Yup, I must say that it seems more real to me each time I say it 'out loud', and especially when I wrote it here! I did, I have to be honest, make me *gulp* a bit.
      Wherever we are, I hope we see you soon :)
      A x

  15. I did not expect that punchline at all... wishing you all the best in your move. I for one will miss your beautiful skies... what an adventure!!!

    1. Thank you ... I'm *hoping* to have some skyline where we end up too :)
      A x

  16. God bless you Anne, and your beautiful family. I'm sorry to lose a connection to such a beautiful place. Oh there I go again thinking of myself only. I'm glad you feel the leading of the Lord. You are always a blessing and I know you'll be a blessing in your new place. Can't wait to see more photos of the upcoming wedding.

    1. Thank you, Laura. No doubt you'll hear a lot more about our move etc in the months ahead. Please pray that we would always be guided by our Lord
      A x

  17. Wow. What a shock! You have blessed your readers with so many lovely glimpses into your unique life there on the island that it's hard to imagine you anywhere else! But silly me. You will still be you, and God is still God, and your heart to find/create beauty wherever you go will continue to shine, I have no doubt.

    May you be blessed with a special covering of peace and provision during this exciting time!! :)

  18. Oh my goodness Anne, I had no idea. Where have I been that I am just now be reading this? Wow. Well it is as hard to believe as my own move was. We never know fully how our lives will be directed do we? Our house is still currently for sale as well, and Steve who is here with us now, is back and forth until all is finished. It is interesting that so many commented above to be moving or selling.

    I do hope you will keep us posted on your journey. I feel sad and happy for you all at once; the same as I felt for ourselves.
    Love and Blessings,

  19. Just now reading this post my friend. Change is never easy for us, is it. But I am praying for the hand of God to sweep over you and your family. To bring a buyer for your home at a price that is good for both parties. Praying for God to open the door (no pun intended!) to the new home that He has planned for you, and that you and your husband and children will be strengthened and encouraged. Asking God for favor in everything that concerns your family. Don't look left or right, but keep your eyes on Jesus and trust Him. He has never, ever failed His children. Blessings from Missouri, and I look forward to new pictures from your new window!
