
Four Winter Walks

Having Jackson means that at least one daily walk is a necessity. It's not often that task falls to me, but the other day, on a lovely sunny day, I headed out for his daily stroll.

It wasn't far off midday, but the sun was low and both Jackson and I - astonishingly - looked rather tall. 

It's not often Jackson will sit still whilst on a walk....

Once he heads off, it's all sheer joy for him. He absolutely loves his 'Walkies!' (Does anyone else think of Barbara Woodhouse any time they hear the word, 'Walkies!'? I always do.)

*      *      *

Yesterday, DR - Jackson's normal dog-walker - took him for his walk. After the walk, he decided to head back down to the machair with the camera. And a set of wheels.

We've had some beautiful winter weather.

No snow, but spells of blue skies and low sun always make for loveliness.

Having a very blue sea on our doorstep is an added bonus, especially when the low sun rays give a golden hue to the land. 

Those of you who follow Homeschool on the Croft on Facebook will have seen the next two photos already. Katie took them on her mobile when she and some of her cousins went on a coastal walk just after New Year.

Such an unusual cloud formation ... looking more like an explosion.

This photo was taken on the coast looking south.

*      *      *

And, finally, Katie's walk today ...

It was frosty and again she had her mobile. I love the frost, but I really love the beautiful signs of life peeking through the dead grass. 

"While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease." Genesis 8:22

Frost makes everything look alive!


  1. Beautiful post. I love to see photographs of the area where you live and I often think how lucky you are. Even as I read the word "walkies" I thought of Barbara Woodhouse and can just hear her saying it which is how I say it too as well as "Sitttt" with emphasis on the 'T' at the end. LOL......thanks for the memories.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

    1. Exactly!!! That's what's in my head to. SITTTT, WALKIES!! :D

  2. Lovely pictures, Anne! I think you are having more sunshine than we are, at present! :) Miss you - talk to you tomorrow!!

    1. We've had a LOT of rain, but most of it seems to fall through the night ... we can live with that ;)
      Look forward to seeing you and talking with you tonight :)

  3. What a beautiful place to live, the photos are absolutely stunning. If only.......

  4. Love your beautiful scenery. It stirs me up to want to go outdoors myself. It is wonderful to see the green coming through in the middle of Winter; that is the color of hope to me. I can almost smell your sea air. Lovely post.
    Love and Blessings,

  5. Beautiful pictures, Anne! The 'explosion' cloud is really wonderul!....esp. since its not an explosion! Looks like some of the cloud activity above our local volcano (Mt. St. Helens).
    Hope you have a lovely day!

  6. wow, wow...beautiful! jackson has grown into a very handsome dog ;)

  7. This time I had to choose picture #4 for my desktop background. Lovely!

  8. I always enjoy yiur views. They are so varied. I have a problem picturing my own views in a dozen different ways

  9. Found you on Inspired Bloggers! Such beautiful, beautiful photography :)
