
A Look Back and a Happy New Year!

In Deuteronomy 33:29, we read these words:

Happy art thou O Israel; who is like unto thee, O people saved by the Lord, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency!

Many times over the next couple of days, I will wish people a Happy New Year. There are many happinesses I would wish for them: good health, happy family lives, and successful employment or studies are just some of them.

But there is nothing I would wish more for them all than to be like those of whom the verse speaks - people saved by the Lord. For what is it if a person gains the whole world and loses his soul? 

New Year is a good time for looking forward, and also for looking back. Here's a quick look back at some of 2013's most popular posts (an terms of numbers of views).

January's most popular post was on oatmeal. It also shared the recipe I use for oatcakes.

In February, Jo Wheatley, the winner of the previous year's Great British Bake-off, visited Stornoway. The post, Bake-off day in Stornoway , proved popular.

Jo with my sister, Marina, Iona and myself.

Some of the baking was simply stunning: few more so than this wonderful creation.

March and this chat with Patrice seems to have had a lot of views.

These two photos were taken only a couple of hours apart. The Wee Guy had wanted to drop his Maths lesson to go outside in the snow. I was so glad I allowed him the pleasure of the little bit of snow, because a couple of hours later, the view looked like this ...

One of April's most popular posts was this one from when the Builder and I had our trip to London. This particular photo was taken shortly after the death of Lady Thatcher had been announced.

Westminster Abbey with its lowered flag.

In May, the readers seemed to enjoy reading of our first day in the peats this year.

And one of the most popular posts of the whole year was another peat related one: this time is about the Peats being Home.

The Remembrance Day post from November was another popular post. I am glad that so many are committed to 'never forgetting'.

The photo shows all who were involved in the Remembrance Service in one way or another.

And this post called Forty-seven Truths proved more popular than it probably deserved.

Seriously, how interesting can facts about me be?!

(Don't answer that out loud, thank you.)

Once again, I'd like to thank y'all for sticking with me. Many of you have been on this blogging journey with me almost since my first foray into cyberspace. It's been a great experience for me, and I've loved getting to know those of you who leave comments. Thank you for every time you've given encouragement, asked a question, or simply said Hi in the comments. 

None of us knows what 2014 has in store for us. I am thankful that my Heavenly Father has mapped out every providence that will come my way. I pray that whatever He has in store for me, that I will always say that 'God is good'. 

May you all have a truly Happy New Year. 


  1. Happy New Year to you, too! Thank you so much for your Godly wisdom shared here, and your timely humor, and wonderful, wonderful pictures of one of my favorite places in the world! God bless!

    1. Thank you, my dear, for that encouragement. It's honestly because of people like you I carry on blogging. God bless you in 2014 x

  2. Oh Happy New Year to you... loved the reminder of all your posts from the year... wishing you and your family all the best for 2014!!!

    1. Every blessing to you all too, Mrs Se7en, for the coming year x

  3. Happy new year to you and God bless.

  4. Happy New Year! Thank you for writing this past year, I love reading your blog!

    1. Thank you so much, Izzy. Thank *you* for reading and for commenting here. Happy New Year to you x

  5. Yes, me too! God is Good! Happy New Year to you and yours.

    1. Every blessing to you all, Laura. Thank you for being with me here :)

  6. Happy New Year! I have to laugh at realizing how long its been that I have followed your blog and never commented or said hello. However, I have put visiting your lovely area on our "one day list" because of the beautiful views and stories you tell of your lives there! It sounds just like a place me and my farmer would love, alas, my two wee ones are just 3 years and 18 months and I think I'll wait a bit till they can remember our travels. Some day:)

  7. Happy New Year Anne! Your blog has always been a source of great delight to me....because you are a joy and a delight. I pray many blessings for you and your family this year. Loved your recap of the year. We got your precious Christmas card and treasure it. I am sending out "New Years" Cards this year, because I fell behind in my Christmas Cards, so you will be seeing one of those shortly. This is the first day I have felt caught up and cleared headed in two months... it feels good. I feel as if my house is back in order again. It has certainly been a busy couple of months for us; but I'm not complaining, its all been good.
    Love and Blessings,
