
Chatting with Patrice Again

Hi Patrice! I'm glad we're inside for our chat this week. Here, the weather has definitely taken on a cooler feel, and last night we had some frost. Have I ever mentioned how I love winter time? Well, I do. The stove is keeping our kitchen area beautifully warm, it gets dark early, and long evenings stretch out at the end of each day - yep, it all makes me a happy bunny.

Now to your questions, Patrice ...

1. Have you ever got a pet from a rescue?

No, we haven't, Patrice. Jackson is our first pet ever.

He may very well be our last too.

I mean, seriously, does this look like an intelligent, well-bred, grouse-retrieving dog to you?

Or how about this one? 

Okay ... let's try this

Aye, enough said, methinks.

2. What pumpkin goodies have you had this Fall?

I have never bought a real pumpkin. I have never tasted pumpkin, nor cooked with it, but last week, I bought four tins of pumpkin ... having realised, last year, that most recipes containing pumpkin actually contain tinned pumpkin.

I haven't, as yet, decided what to make with the aforementioned tinned pumpin, but I have no doubt that the internet will supply all the recipes I need.

And no doubt, you - my blogging friends - will hear about what I decide to make. And whether I enjoyed it. And whether I plan to make it again. And how much of it I ate. And .... 

Yes, that's what us bloggers do, isn't it? We tell all.

3. What are the best and worst rooms in your home?

I think the kitchen is my favourite room. Do you remember when we ('we' being used in the loosest sense, you understand) took away the wall between the kitchen and the dining room ...

Out kitchen used to look like this (please ignore the stuff, stuff, stuff on all the worktops).

And our Dining Room looked like this.

And then we had the bright idea - the best idea we've ever had - to put a stove into the kitchen.

The table moved from where it was, and we opened the wall between the Kitchen and the Dining Room ...

... and now we have one open room ...

... a room of which I have no photo!

It is definitely my favourite room in the house. The stove has made it lovely and cozy, the table is where almost all of Calum's homeschooling is done, and it's where we eat, read, and sit and blether.

The worst room, Patrice? Erm, I'm struggling with that one ...

4. If you could have a real 'brick and mortar' type business, what would it be?

Patrice, I'm stuck. I really have no idea. I am as un-crafty a person as anyone you could meet, so I'd be rubbish at selling stuff I'd made.

Since I graduated, and since the kids were born (they are one and the same really: I graduated the day DR was due, but thankfully, he was around six days late. He's always been a thoughtful child, that boy.), I've worked from home doing translation. If I was really working, I think this would be my kinda work - it suits me being on my own (yeah, I'm strange), working with words and meanings of words.

5. What's your favourite tropical fruit?

I think pineapple might be my favourite, Patrice. I love fresh pineapple..

Once again, thank you, Patrice, for having us over for a blether. I'm sorry I didn't see Wendell this week, but tell him I'll make a special effort to have carrots for him next time I call round.


  1. I sincerely wish that you were here so we could blether a bit together. Do you know that when I just typed in the word blether that spell check just underlined it in red? ;) I just took two loaves of bread from the oven...that shall make the man of the house very happy when he returns from work this evening!

    Anyway...I love the idea of having a stove in the kitchen. I grew up in an old brick farmhouse with a large kitchen and we there was a stove in it that kept us toasty warm. It made the kitchen a place of comfort when my dad and grandfather would come in from milking the cows to eat a hearty breakfast. We also had fireplaces in every room but two. As I grew older one of my chores was taking out the ashes...I wasn't so keen on that end of the whole thing, but I did enjoy the warmth they provided in the winter months.

    Will look forward to seeing you at Patrice's again next week!

    1. I think the word 'blether' is a Scots word ... it's not a recognized word in spellcheck, but that will not stop us using it!

      *sniff*... can almost smell the loaves - what a gorgeous aroma for your hubby to come home to :)

    2. I understood about spell check and blether...but it doesn't stop me from typing those letters together whatsoever...I rather like the sound of it. :)

      My hubby was appreciative of the aroma of freshly baked bread when he walked in the door this evening. :)

  2. Your dining room looks so cozy with all those friends sitting around the table. Looks like fun!

    1. It really was a fun time :) . I love having a group of the kids' friends round for eats and 'blethering' :)

  3. I am realizing that almost every comment includes the word "blether." I'm really trying to find a way to include it in my comment, too; but I'm coming up short. ;-)

    Anyway, about that tinned pumpkin (canned pumpkin, in our Virginian parlance) ;-), my favorite way to use it is in pumpkin pancakes. Here's a recipe I posted long ago on my old blog for it: http://lifeonsylvandrive.blogspot.com/2007/10/pumpkin-pancakes.html :)

  4. I look forward to seeing what you do with your tinned pineapple. We grow pumpkins on our farm, but didn't have any this year. I bought some from a sweet farm lady we used to do farmers' markets with. I used them going down our front porch steps as decorations, then I cook them down one or two at a time. I often freeze the pumpkin for cooking. There are so many amazing pumpkin recipes on Pinterest.

    I think the improvement you made to your kitchen and dining room is fantastic! It's an excellent use of space and your warm stove looks great to me right now- our house is abnormally chilly. ??

    It was kind of DR to let you graduate first! My sister graduated from college just before giving birth. Her cap and gown for graduation made her look funny. Still, you couldn't help but admire her for sticking with her schooling. She made the graduation gown stretch out like a tent! (If I keep making recipes from Pinterest, I will have to wear a tent! Ehm, me likes to eat!!!

  5. I've about 10 pumpkins on my front porch....waiting to be cooked and made into something delicious! We LOVE pumpkin cranberry bread, and pumpkin cheesecake, and pumpkin pancakes (I'm excited to see Davene's recipe!). We will have pumpkin pie around this month too, since one MUST have that for our Thanksgiving. (Actually, it is not my favorite, but, I am only one person, a very out-voted person in this opinion!) Well, I guess I will stop blethering and let you enjoy your pumpkin however you wish!

  6. I think that Jackson looks like a very sweet dog. I love your kitchen photo. It kind of favors what I have in mind for my kitchen, but it will never happen in this house.

    Have a great week!
