
From the Lovely Sky to the Altogether Lovely One

The other night, I took this photo from the back door.

I love sunsets with lots of cloud.

The sea was calm, there was little wind, and there was almost no sound when I was out taking these photos.

This evening, I took a wander down to the machair, not only to admire the setting sun, but to savour the roar of the Atlantic.

The sound is simply music to my ears.

The lovely sheep are oblivious to all the beauty around them, and it reminded me

of how often I read of the Saviour in the past, and heard of Him, but to me there was 'no beauty in Him that I would desire Him'.

Truly, we are, by nature, like sheep that have gone astray. 

The colours in the sky, the deep music of the sea - nature's beauty which calls to us to look, not at it, but to the Altogether Lovely One who created it all.

"Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth, for I am God and there is none else." Isaiah 45:22


  1. Replies
    1. I hope you'll be there with us here again someday in the not-too-distant, Laurie :)

  2. I love how you relate those gorgeous pictures to those precious verses. Thank you.

    1. There is something in God's amazing creation that makes it impossible not to be drawn to HIM when admiring it, isn't there, Davene ... Ax

  3. Thank you for reminding us of the beauty of God's world. We take so much for granted.
    Myra from Canada where the day is going to be a chilly one after our heat wave

    1. Well, you live in a beautiful country yourself, Myra :)

  4. Beautiful photos and verses!

  5. I love the sound of the sea! I liked the way you linked it to the verses too!

  6. Breathtakingly gorgeous! Isn't the Lord kind to share such awesome beauty with us? And it's strange that so many see His handiwork and refuse to acknowledge that He even created it!

  7. Beautiful! I would love to stand there with you and share the view, and the sound of the waves, praising our Savior. He is so good!! Blessings from across the pond :)!

    1. ...and that would only *add* to the joy :) ... Maybe one day Ax
