
One Hundred Chats on Patrice's Porch!

Patrice, what an achievement! Thank you so much for your wonderful hospitality over the past one hundred weeks ... I have missed some, but I have loved joining you on a Tuesday for that chat and a cuppa.

Okay, so I often don't grace you with my presence on the Tuesday. Or even Wednesday some weeks. But that's because sometimes I love having your porch all to myself. And having Wendell's company all to myself.

Again, you have thought of great questions, so here we go with your hundredth list:

1. What's the best advice anyone ever gave you?

To "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness... ".

2. Do you have houseplants?

No, not one. I've never had a houseplant that survived more than a week, so I spare them the pain and don't bring them into my home.

Can I also let y'all into a little secret? I'm not too keen on them.

There, I've said it out loud. I love flowers (ahem, Builder... just in case you were wondering). And I love plants outside. I especially love outside plants that are growing into stuff you can eat.

When this ...

becomes these ...

and inside, is hiding this perfect specimen ...

Head over to this post to see more of this amazing vegetable, the Romanesco.

(Did you link? Did you also link to the YouTube video, Donald in Mathmagic Land? If you didn't, it really is worth doing.)

This talk of my vegetables is making me miss The Plot more than ever. Maybe next year, she says, sighing wistfully.

3. Do mosquitoes bother you or leave you alone?

Lewis, I can assure you, is a mosquito-free zone.

Now midges? Oh, they are a different story.

4. What's your favourite charity, if you have one?

We sponsor a guide dog, called Sparkle, with the Guide Dogs association. It was reading about Jesus' healing of a blind man and the care He showed, not only for people's spiritual well-being (and of course, that is primary) but also for their physical well-being that led me to supporting Guide Dogs. A blind person's life is totally transformed if they are able to have a guide dog.

(Hearing of all she is learning to do is giving Jackson some, erm, issues, so we keep rather quiet about them. Suffice to say - and keep it to yourselves, please - she is amazingly clever. She's younger than Jackson, but, oh boy, is she smart.)

At the moment, I am prayerfully looking into sponsoring a child. I linked to this article on my FB page a couple of weeks ago, yet another encouragement to go in the direction of sponsoring a child.

5. Do you like mint? Which variety is your favourite?

I have never grown mint, nor have I used the leaves of the herb. Please don't judge me...

Katie made a chocolate mint fudge a couple of weeks ago. For some reason, I cannot find a photo of it, so here is a link to the recipe she used. It did make me decide that this was my favourite mint. Ever.

Once again, Patrice, thank you so much for having us on your porch. Here's to the next hundred!


  1. my grandma Mary always made "houseplants" look so easy ... every thing was so green at her house ... a real "green thumb" I have a bit but not as much as here. ha. ha!!

    happy 4th! ( :

  2. I prefer outdoor plants too- especially ones that can be eaten. You are fortunate to not have mosquitoes. I think you were given some wonderful advice.
