
Porch Chat - Our Last for a While?

I have really missed my chats on your porch, Patrice. This time, I am joining you for what may be the last time - at least for quite some time. 

But onto your questions for this week.

1. Are you planning on doing most of your Christmas shopping in stores, or online?

I have really cut down on Christmas shopping over the past few years, but quite a bit of what I do will be done online. 

2. Have you ever been to a bonfire?

Er, is that a trick question? Yes! See here for this year's bonfire, and go to this post to see last year's bonfire. And this post is our Bonfire from 2010.  Thankfully, our 'bonfire night' is in winter and so it's dark nice and early. We'd have a bit of a problem with bonfires and fireworks on the 4th of July ... even at midnight, it would barely be dark enough to even appreciate the beautiful fireworks.

3. What would 'simplifying life' mean to you?

Maybe stopping blogging?

4. Tell me about one blog you really enjoy reading.

Oh, only one, Patrice? 

Please let me give a few. I'll be good and not write a full blown essay on each one - simply the name and link.


Spilled ... Because my Cup Overflows

The Pioneer Woman - not only for her fun posts, which always make me smile, but for her wonderful selection of recipes.

5. Have you ever had someone who isn't in your family, but felt just like family?


There's this fella, who gave us all these wonderful photos from St Kilda. (Click on the link to re-visit.) When he joins us in evenings,  he kicks off his shoes, and eats as much chocolate as ourselves. See ... one of the family.

This lady, pictured here with my mum, has been 'Auntie' Jessie to me all my life. She is now the same to our own children. I never think of her as anything less than a real part of my family. Being a 'blood relative' couldn't  make me love her more than I already do.

Oi you! What are you doing here again? I told them about you. Now, watch you don't fall off that cliff....

When Laurie comes to visit, I never feel like I have a visitor in the house. She's just 'part of us'. Oh, she's also handy when we're lifting peats or planting the vegetables. And, oh, that coffee cake! Read here.

And then, we have this dear, dear couple. Read here about how we first met.

Once again, Patrice, thank you so much for your questions. I have missed our weekly chats.

I may pop back to the blog with a couple of posts that are 'sitting' there, waiting to be spruced up and posted. And I may come back to blogging at some point in the future, but for now, I think I'm going to say a huge Thank You to all of you who've visited with me and commented to make me feel like I wasn't totally blethering to myself.

I have loved this blogging journey. I have met so many wonderful people. It was actually a real blessing for me to have begun it, but now I think it may be coming to its natural end.

Please feel free to browse older blog posts, and feel free to keep commenting - I'll read them all, and will enjoy reading them, and answering them.

(As I say, I may return to blogging sometime - if I find I have begun to talk to myself incessantly, and if I find I really have stuff to say and nobody around me wants to listen, then I may decide that my blogging friends will have to, once again, be the receivers of my wisdom(!), my photos, and my ramblings. Oh, and if the Builder grows his goatee again, I may find my inspiration for blogging may return.... I mean, seriously - how is a woman to be inspired when her Builder removes his goatee?? We may have to begin a campaign.)

For now, thank y'all so much for putting up with this woman who is blessed 

- to be saved;

- to have been born in this era of history, and on this teeny wee insignificant-to-most-of-the-world island;

- to have been blessed with a husband and four wonderful children;

- to have been convicted of, and blessed more than words can say, by this homeschooling journey on which God placed me;

- to have the internet, through which I have been blessed with much wisdom and teaching; with friends who are now firmly entrenched in my life; with countless opportunities to learn with my children.

Love y'all!


  1. I will miss your blogging!

    You are firmly in my heart as a trusted friend!

    I thank GOD for crossing our paths.

  2. Oh my!! I am so sad to hear this, but certainly respect your decision. I will miss your wisdom! Your posts have made me laugh, made me cry, made me think. They have blessed me. YOU HAVE BLESSED ME! I too thank the Lord for allowing our paths to cross, and I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family!

    1. Thank you so much. You are so kind :)

      Will we promise to remember each other in prayer?

      Blessings, Anne x

  3. You are so right that blogging clutters life a bit. I understand your stepping away. I have been tempted. One can spend far too much time doing this. But, as you also said, it is wonderful to meet people online, to share a little part of our souls, and to have a connection with someone who you have never met face to face.
    Good luck on your ventures and I'll look forward to seeing you back in Blog land for the occasional post.

    1. Thank you, Dreaming :) A wee break and I may be back, raring to go again!
      Love, Anne x

  4. It was purely God's plan for our paths crossing. YOu have changed my life and I count you a wonderful friend!

    1. Thank you so much, Susan. We will keep in touch, and may even see each other ... soon?? ;)
      Love, Anne x

  5. Hopefully this will be a sabbatical and not a full retirement from blogging. Enjoy your time off, and Happy Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you, Arlene. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too ... so many reasons to be giving thanks, aren't there :)
      Love, Anne x

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Sarah. It has been so good 'getting to know' so many people via the blog. It really has been a blessing to me.
      Love, Anne x

  7. I always read the answers to everyone's post and try to remember what I want to say in a comment. I was doing well with yours until I got to the part where you said you were not going to be blogging in the near future. I'm silent-that doesn't happen very often. I'll miss you!I hope this is just a break. Take care of yourself. I hope you'll be back.
    Hugs, Patrice

    1. You? Silent?? ;)
      I will keep reading the Porch chats. I've loved having them ... they've really kept me going often.
      When you get your voice back, you can begin that Get-the-goatee-back campaign ;)
      Love and blessings, Anne x

  8. NOOOO! I will miss you. Your "blethering" always makes me smile and wish I could stop in to your beautiful village. I guess I'll just have to pop on over to Scotland for real now.

    God bless you good. I still blog, but the computer is at the library. It means I have to take time out for it and I am more disciplined. I don't surf around as much either. Anyways, you have blessed me.

    1. Thank you, Mrs S. I have loved 'blethering', and I do hope I'll get back to it sometime.
      Blessings to y'all
      Love, Anne x

  9. I really hate to see you go, but I hope to see you soon (in the blogging world). Have a blessed life.

    1. Thank you, Sherri. I hope I'll be back sometime.
      Blessings to you too
      Anne x

  10. Will miss your posts, Anne! You've been my living-breathing bit of Scotland that I can't afford to come and see. ;) But I hope your time away from blogging is blessed! (And I hope your hubby grows his goatee back for your sake. ;)

    1. Aww Rachel, thank you. You'll just have to start saving ;)

      We'll still keep in touch via FB, and yes, get going on the Goatee Campaign ;)
      Blessings, Anne

  11. Oh Anne, I will miss you very, very much. There has just been a sweet comforting feeling of knowing you were there in that part of the world, and a friend and a place that a part of my heart rests. Well, of course you are still there, so I know that I shouldn't be feeling as if you aren't but I will miss your posts. I will be hoping the Builder grows his goatee back soon (ha ha ha, that cracked me up). I do understand how blogging can take up more time that we can give it at times, and I have definitely had a year like that, and have, on several occasions, thought of giving it up as well. You are a pleasure and have been a delightful, joyful, hilarious, blogging friend and sister in Christ. E-mail me anytime. I pray a blessing on you and your family.

    Much Love,

    1. Pam, I will always be glad our paths crossed. Thank you for your kind words, and keep fighting for the Goatee ;)

      I'll keep in touch with you via your own blog
      Love and blessings, Anne x

  12. I've had to take a few blogging breaks over my 4.5 years of blogging. Often God would call me to "fast" from the blog, once even from comments. You need to obey HIS prompting and give yourself some time to rest and re-group. Take care, sweet Lady!

  13. I will very much miss your posts! Your blog is one of my very favorites, and has been a great blessing to me. I dearly love Scotland, and you have helped me learn more about its people, culture and language. Thank you so much!! I hope it's not goodbye for a long time.

    1. Thank you for your lovely words. I may be back, and if I am I hope you'll be there 'waiting in the wings' :) x

  14. Ah, dear Anne, I'm sitting here at the computer--for once, without a baby in my arms--and I have my hands free to type a comment. Sweet Anne, is it OK if we tell you that you CAN'T stop blogging? ;-) I'm only kidding, of course, because I truly want you to follow God's leading in all areas of your life, even in the area of blogging. But I do want you to know that your wisdom has enlightened me, your passion for God has inspired me, and your humor has never failed to put a smile on my face and, often, make me literally LOL. I'll miss you, but will keep watching the crack in this door that you are closing. When it swings open again, I'll be here waiting. :)

    Big blessings and warm hugs to you, my friend across the ocean!

    Oh, and the next time you find yourself passing through the Shenandoah Valley, you must stop in for a visit, OK? :)

    1. Oh, Davene, thank you so much! Your blog always warms my heart when I read it. How I love to hear you speaking about your precious children with such love - *such* a joy, when we are surrounding (it would seem) by folks who see their children as a burden rather than as a blessing. I never tire of seeing the photos of your always-smiling little girl, and I *certainly* never tire of seeing those gorgeous, adorable, edible little boys. I could EAT them!!

      And, Davene, the mere mention of Shenandoah valley .... Oh, do you have any idea what that *does* to my heart?!!
      Anne x

  15. Anne - So sad to see that you're retiring from the blog. I will miss you're news and activity and I feel I'm part of your household every week. Although we are apart by distance, the blog has always been a good vehicle to pray for one another and hoe often I read your pages and imagined you sitting in Habost typing your thoughts! God bless. D

    1. Aww, thank you a Dhomhnaill. That was a lovely thought, that you were 'right here' as I write. We continue to pray for each other.
      A h-uile beannachd
      A x

  16. Bummer! I know that is hardly a literate comment but that is what I feel :( I (our whole family) have enjoyed your blogs and pictures. We have a commercial sheep farm in Canada and we love your pictures of the sheep. We have been blessed by your faith and found great peace through your lovely pictures of the water and the island. Enjoy your time off. I d understand but my selfish humanity is still disappointed. Hope you come back soon! Blessings! Sarah

    1. Sarah, it's so lovely to hear from you! Where are you in Canada? What a wonderful country you live in! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, and I hope you'll join me again if I begin blogging again
      Anne x
