
Bonfire Night ... Our Way

Although today is the 5th of November, and is therefore the real Bonfire Day, we have our Guy Fawkes day on the closest Saturday to this date.

After a wet beginning to the day, the sun began to shine and we ended up with a gorgeous day.
Here is the first load of combustibles being put in situ.

This load consisted of some combustible material. The rest of the load consisted of helpers.

And this load had combustibles, helpers, and an extra fellow, who comes to join us each year for our Bonfire.

The night was perfect: a gentle breeze, clear skies and temperatures above freezing.


Here are some of the cousins, wrapped up and having a great time.

Do you see what I see? Bruce and John Wayne normally have their fireworks beginning on our Bonfire Night, but their time of fun hasn't yet begun.

Awww ... aint they adorable?

Y'all don't need to answer that - I've already told them they are.


  1. Looks like a good time was had by all! Enjoyed seeing these pictures!

    1. Yes, Mary Ann, we did have a great time. After the bonfire, we all came inside for eats ... of course!

  2. Replies
    1. It was great, Laurie. Catherine was wearing your boots and they kept her feet *toastie*! Really was wishing you were still here for it :)

  3. Wish we could have been there, too!!

    (And yes, they are adorable!!)

    1. I would *so* love for you to be here one of these years... (and you're a bit biased towards my girls too, aren't you ;) )

  4. That looks delightful! I love bonfires!

    1. It was delightful, Anna :) The weather was so lovely and that made such a difference.

  5. What is Guy Fawkes Day, and why do you have a bonfire?
    -an unenlightened American

    1. Guy Fawkes was a Roman Catholic who was involved in an act of treason in 1605. He, and his cohorts, attempted to blow up Parliament and kill the (Protestant) king and put an RC monarch in his place.

      The Gunpoweder plot was found out, Guy Fawkes was 'caught in the act', and was condemned to death for treason.

      Each year, on Nov 5th, (originally it was an Act of Parliament that set Nov 5th as a day of thanksgiving to God for the protection of our nation from those who wished to destroy the Protestant monarchy and parliament), the event is commemorated.

      The 'guy' on the bonfire is to represent an effigy of Guy Fawkes himself :)

  6. I love your bonfire. I can just imagine how it looks.
    Wonderful photos and yes, adorable girls.

    1. Thanks, Kim. It really was a lovely evening.
      And yes, they're kind of adorable, right enough ;)

  7. You have such fun and wonderful traditions. And yes, your girls are lovely.

    1. Yes, Mrs S, I love these traditions too. And great for getting all the extended family together. Real memory makers :)

  8. Looks like a wonderful time! Your pictures are so beautiful. :)

    1. Thank you Mrs P. As you can imagine there were *lots* of photos to choose from!

  9. I always love your Guy Fawkes Holiday and bonfire... it makes me realize how quickly another year has gone by. It looks like a great time, and what an opportunity for a marshmallow roast. Love the picture of Bruce and John Wayne.

    Yes, I completely agree, the girls are adorable.

    Love and Blessing,

    1. Pam, I've just been on your blog and am soooo delighted that you've been able to spend that time with your daughters. It's all so amazing, them being right beside each other! Fabulous!

      And yes, another year just whizzing by - I honestly think this past year has been the quickest yet... :-/

  10. I love your yearly tradition, and I love the picture of the cousin up front w/ the flashlight on her face, she looks like she's probably a lot of fun!lol What a great looking group of cousins, and what a fun time I'm sure you all had! So glad your weather was good for the bonfire! Fun, fun!
