
Such Beauty: Unseen by Many

When I was on the machair the other day with Jackson, I was spellbound by some of the beauty surrounding me. 

The sky was a gorgeous shade of powder blue, with little wisps of cloud.

The sea was so calm, and tiny little waves broke onto the sand making a sound that was simply musical.

The most simple of musical sounds, maybe. But music all the same.

The sand, for the most part, only had the evidence of last night's tide.

The sand dunes and their shadows. 

Art, by the Master Creator.

There's my shadow, with Jackson to the left of me :)

Peace. Total peace.

And beauty.

And walking along, surrounded by all this beauty, I was struck by Jackson's total lack of appreciation. He sniffed and ran and chased and sniffed and ran and chased some more. But not once did he stop and enjoy the beauty surrounding him.

Not once did he stop and wonder at the beauty of the creation staring him in the face. And not once did his heart bulge with joy and praise and thanksgiving to our all wise, all powerful Creator.

Of course he didn't: he's a dog.

But how many of us go through our lives running and chasing, and never stopping to wonder at the world in which we live? How often do we pass a garden of flowers and never stop to be amazed and enriched by the beauty of the colours, and the wonder of the perfection of each little petal and leaf?

How often do we see the sun rise and set and not wonder in awe at the precision of the earth's rotations, and the changing timings and seasons?

I felt sorry for Jackson yesterday - for the narrowness of his world. I felt sorry for him because he had no appreciation of God's wonderful world.

But maybe I ought to feel more sorry for the men and women who are surrounded by aspects of God's creation, and go through their lives never worshipping the One who made it all, and who sustains it all.

Maybe it's time for us all to stop, to take time and to praise. We live in such an amazing world, created by an infinitely amazing God. Let's not go through life in the proverbial running and chasing mode.

"Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth: Both young men, and maidens; old men and children: Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is excellent: His glory is above the earth and the heavens."
Psalm 148: 11-13


  1. Just beautiful! What a beautiful place you've been blessed with there in Scotland! Thanks for the wonderful reminder and for sharing your beautiful scenery, I love it all! How can our hearts ever stay quiet, when we see the wonders of our God's creative power displayed all around us?

  2. Amen! I try to marvel at God's creation when I look outside. I do too! I love hanging my laundry out to dry because it's a quiet moment for me and I can enjoy all that surrounds me. The birds calling, the bugs buzzing around, the hawks circling above - it's all beautiful. There have also been a lot of deer lately. I just work quietly and watch.

  3. Very well-written, and wonderful pictures!

  4. really wonderful. i loved the shadow shot. :)

  5. It is always so beautiful, what always surprises me the no people. I think that would be heaven sometimes to go to a beach like that and be the only one. Well except God and you would know He was there too.
    Just lovely shots.

  6. Simply lovely! I would love to see that in person one day!

  7. What is the actual meaning of 'machair' ? Obviously it is a Scottish term for a geographical feature but this English girl would like to know what :) Absolutely stunning x

  8. I love your words.......and your heart for the LORD!

  9. It is indeed a little slice of heaven!

  10. I traveled a lot this summer to remote corners of America where they don't know what they're missing by not having high speed Internet. So, I had a vacation from the bloggy world as well. This morning as I was catching up I was so encouraged by your post. Loved these thoughts.

    Also was reminded that I am still a little bit jealous of the lovely world you live in. However, I will sit on my deck with coffee this morning, look at the neighbor's deck, listen to the sounds of traffic, and still find reason to praise the Savior's creation, even if my world doesn't look like yours. :)

