
A Fall Visit on Patrice's Porch

Well, Patrice, it's so lovely to have a wee visit with you on your porch. You certainly wouldn't be sitting on any porch here today, so to think of your porch is dreamy indeed.

1. What was the last thing you baked?

I made four franzipans the other day. I posted the recipe for them here.

I did say in that post that I sprinkle them with icing sugar (confectioner's sugar) when they're done, but it's actually caster sugar (superfine?) I use.

I also said in that post that Margaret Thatcher had told me something. I assume y'all guessed that Margaret Thatcher had said it, but not directly to me.

2. What is your favourite thing about the Fall?

Hmmm ... That's kinda hard for me to answer. We have had a wonderful summer in many ways: while the rest of the UK had the wettest summer on record, we - here in Lewis - had one of the driest ever. For those in some doubt, dryness in summer is good when you live in Scotland.

But although it was good and dry, it wasn't warm. I actually felt warmth for about a week at the beginning of August. By warm, I mean our temperatures were in the 70s. I love being warm, and so the definite change in temperatures this week is not filling me with the greatest of joy.

Today, our winds have reached 70mph, but I'm thankful that these winds cause us no harm.... unlike the poor folks around the Gulf Coast of your country, Patrice.

3. What's your favourite room in the house?

I do love the Family Room. It feels like its name.

It feels like the way this fella is sitting.

I love the sofas;

I love being surrounded by books;

I love looking out the window at scenes like this in the evenings.

And when this little fella came to visit, this is where he crawled on the floor, 

and gave us these adorable smiles.

He's now a bigger wee boy, but is still just as adorable. I couldn't resist posting these photos.

4. Who handles bill paying in your house?

Me. I wish it wasn't, but it is.

5. Tell whatever you'd like to share with our chatting friends.

"Trust in the Lord with all thy heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3: 5, 6)

This has always been a lovely verse to me, but over the past few months, it's become new to me in a very special way. As our children become older, and we are having to make decisions that have a greater bearing on life than what to make for their dinner, or what clothes to buy for them, our dependence on God for His direction becomes greater. Over the past year, we have seen God's directing of our paths very clearly. I pray I would continue - more and more - to acknowledge Him in ALL our ways, and that He would continue to direct our paths.


  1. Love your answer to #5. And the pies look delicious...gonna head over to check out the recipe!

  2. I like your favorite room. I couldn't help but notice that in one of your pictures I saw a book I read and really liked. The Scarlet Thread by Francine Rivers. This was a great book. And, a baby as cute as that can make any room the best in the house.

  3. Fall and winter passed us by last time around so I'm hoping and praying for a long, chilly fall and cold winter. We have been getting rain this summer though so that was good. We were in a drought for a long time. I love being surrounded by books too. And I think you're just as lucky as you can be to live in Scotland! Love the pix!

  4. I love rooms filled with books too. It just adds a warm comforting feel to a room. I would love to have some weather like you do for a warm day. :)
    I think though any day in Scotland would be awesome. Lovely pies.

  5. LOVE those bookshelves and all the books! I have a library/office filled with shelves and books. Love your answer to #5!!
    Here’s My Answers

  6. The franzipans look so good! Your family room looks friendly. Books make a room look inviting to me since I love to read. 70 mph winds? That's amazing. Isn't that when your laundry flies to Iceland? lol

  7. I would have to agree with Farm Girl that any day in Scotland would have to be awesome! Really, really want to be there!!!

  8. Proverbs 3:5-6 is one of my favorites and often will repeat it as a reminder to myself. It fills me with a sense of comfort. So, your weather is generally not scorching like ours? Oh, I would love to visit you during the summer then! Gotta a spare room for me? lol =D

  9. I'm new here. Your pictures of your life are enchanting. *smile* Your post about the beached whale was fun to read and gross all in one. *smile* Thank you for sharing your life in such a public way so we can see the beauty from your island life. *smile* Where we live tumble weeds and apples are abundant in the fall. *smile* Oh, and I think we have the same dictionary, up on your top shelf? The big green spined book? Anyways, have a lovely day and thanks so much for sharing pictures of your island life. *smile* Sincerely, Mommy of two growing blessings & so much more!
