
Photographs from an Unnamed Photographer

Someone went off with the camera today. You may be able to guess who from the following set of photos.

Fort Alamo

Lightning MacQueen

A London Bus - the photographer's favourite, apparently

Military vehicle -  a tank on wheels, with its gun pointing straight at you.

My favourite. Twins ...

A present from CA, all the way from Canada. Thanks, Mate.

Photos on the wall.

They are my kids as they are etched in my mind. They keep growing and moving on, but this is how they are to me. 

It explains the innumerable number of hugs they have to put up with every day. And they are kind enough to their poor Mama to humour me through it all.


  1. These make me smile! Thanks, CS, and keep on shooting.

  2. Love the perspective in the pics.

  3. You've gotta love when they get your camera. I enjoyed the spell my daughter went through when she was taking macro shots of everything. She showed quite a bit of talent.

    Hey, I miss you over at ladybugsabode.wordpress.com I hope you stop by soon!

  4. I love his perspective, good eye!!! I've missed coming by here. So good to know the Wee Guy is still being as cute as ever.

  5. hee hee, cute! who couldn't love not one but two maters? ;)

  6. Hey! One thing you missed on that road trip vacation, stopping by our place for a bite to eat in Olympia, Wa. :D It's beautiful here on the inlet.

    By the way, we have two Maters too. :P
