
Lunch with a very Special Lady

Sometimes, we are blessed to have new friends come into our lives. We can even go through certain stages of our lives, with difficult trials and hardships, and God places a certain person - the exact person you need right then - in your life for that time.

But there are other people who are in your life from your childhood.

My Mum (on the left in the photo below) has been blessed to have her dear friend, Jessie, as her friend since she was a young girl. My Mum never had a sister, but God gave her this one. 

They grew up in the same village; before Mum married, they worked together; and then she was Mum's bridesmaid fifty years ago at Mum and Dad's wedding. And they've been in each other's lives all these years since then.

We grew up with this lady as our 'auntie' - the best of aunties imaginable.

Yesterday was her birthday, so we gave her a surprise lunch at Digby's.

This was my starter: a fishcake on a black pudding with a beautiful mustard sauce.

I would show you my main course but I ate it before I snapped it!

Pudding was a lemon curd and lime cheesecake with toasted coconut on top. 

The meal was lovely, but not half as lovely as this very special lady who is as much part of my family as any blood relative could ever be.


  1. how wonderful for your mom to have this lovely life-long friend! if we could all be so fortunate!

  2. Oh Anne!!!! What a special day!

    (BTW, I can see "you" in your Mom! Such a resemblance!)

  3. Cait a robh Dollaidh? Super picture.

  4. Lovely! Just to tell you a funny- when I was growing up,my mom let me call each of her friends Aunt----(whatever their name was).That was easy when I was young, but as I got a bit bigger and more inquisitive, I asked how many sisters she had. That's when I learned that my mom was an only child and these sweet ladies were her good friends. I really thought I had a huge family for a number of years!lol

  5. Beautiful display of food. I would have loved to see your meal!

  6. What lovely ladies. Glad they have had each other as friends for so many years. After reading that your mother was married forty years ago, I thought nooooooooo, I'm old enough to be YOUR mother!!! On a different topic, thank you for responding to the question about caster sugar. When the temp reached 100 F and has stayed that way, I have not wanted to add any additional heat to the kitchen. We have central air, but the strain on the electrical grid is great. So I will leave the scones for another week. Keep us in your prayers as a large storm with winds of 80 miles an hour are possible today.

    1. I said FORTY years?? Oh dear, I meant FIFTY! I must change that now :) And yes, I can certainly understand you not wanting to bake in the heat you have.....Phew!

  7. It makes me think of my mother. My mother was born in Glasgow and came to the USA when she was in her early twenties. She ended up with a group of friends that were all from Scotland. They are like family. My mother is 80 and just lost one of her friends. I hope that I can have my friends for that long.
    Anne C.
