
In the Peats ...

Today, the Builder and I went to the peats.

To get to the stage seen here, 

the peat bank is turfed ...

... and then 'cleaned' with the spade.

Then the taraisgeir - the peat iron - is used ...

to slice into the peat, 

and cut one out of the bank.

This peat is then lifted out, 

and thrown, either on the top of the bank, as seen here, or on the bottom.

The peat is then left to dry in our beautiful warm, dry weather, and will be ready for the next stage - the lifting - in a couple of weeks.

If the weather doesn't oblige, that time scale will be increased.... ;)

By the way ...

Have you ever been anywhere where there is absolute silence?

When the Builder and I sat to have our cuppa, we sat for some time listening to ...


In between the occasional sound from a bird, there was simply no sound to be heard. Nope, not even the wind today!

Have you ever heard silence? It is actually a most wonderful sound.

This was taken on our way home. It was brighter in towards the villages, and the blue skies were a welcome sight. 

I would like to make clear that I was using the taraisgeir and the Builder took over only for the photos. I can assure you, I have the aching shins and arm muscles to prove it.

You can link up to the Morris Tribe today and see how other folk are homesteading in their part of the world. 

This is the first stage of our work in the peats. We will have to lift them when they've dried off a bit, gather them when they are totally dry, and eventually take them home! All being well, this peat will keep us warm all winter, and in addition to that obvious benefit, we will also have the the smell of burning peat. 



  1. so, your job was to....take pictures?.....???? :-p

  2. Ah, now I get it...the "wish you were here" earlier!!! So we could chat while the Builder toils away! :)

  3. Beautiful! And, thanks for sharing the process. I remember seeing the peat spread out like that when we were in Ireland.

  4. Soooo, peat is for heating right? Why was I under the impression that all of the peat bogs were owned by the crown? Anyway, beautiful pics as usual!

  5. When my husband and I lived in Ireland we burned turf in our fireplaces, it to me has a lovely slighty sour earthy sent that is still fresh in my nosie memories!!!! I thought turf was only burned in Ireland not in Scotland? Lovely photos, thanks

  6. Whew! This looks like some hard, dirty work.

  7. Thanks, I have for all of my life wondered how you got peat. I had no idea it was so much work. I didn't know you had to do all of that. I can't wait to show my husband.
    It has been a long, long time since I heard the sound of silence. We live in such a noisy, busy place, sometimes I just long for that.
    I think it takes some getting used to though.
    I bet you were tired. Such hard work. Nice though, I love looking at the pictures.

  8. Oh looks like hard work indeed good for the body though....oh and the sound of silence...that is what I am most looking forward to being able to go back into our house again. This apartment is very noisy no such thing as silence. ~Enjoy the rest of your weekend Love Heather

  9. To tell you the truth, we don't get much silence around here! :P

    As always, I love the pictures and the bit of your world that I get a glimpse of through them. :)

  10. Oh that brings back memories! I loved "going to the peats" when I was younger! There was always a really good picnic at lunch time haha. I totally know what you mean about the silence, there is nothing like it!

  11. Loved what you shared! So you burn the peat for heating? Is it in something like a woodstove? Around here, some people will burn "cow manure" for a source of fuel.....um, when it is dried out, of course. :)

  12. The peat looks very dense, so I'm assuming it burns long and hot? Would love to know what it smells like. :D

    Silence... I remember when we visited the highest point in our state, and the quiet that we experienced up there was incredibly therapeutic! What a gift that is, isn't it?

    Don't you just love it, when you and your spouse get a chance to work on something alone? That's a gift in itself as well!

  13. Mrs. C there are no words to describe how heavenly a peat fire smells. As soon as I smell it I am transported back to living on the islands and it always makes me a little bit sad! When you have nice dry peats, the heat that comes of the fire is amazing. Just what you need for those long cold winter nights on the islands. Hopefully one day you will get to experience a peat fire for yourself!
