
A Quick Stroll to the Machair

Those of you who are Homeschool on the Croft's FB friends will know that today is a manic day. I am working to a timer set to 30 minutes (and occasionally 15 mins) to get me zooming through today's tasks. 

(By the way, if you've never used this mode of getting things done, I strongly recommend it. I mean, even the worst job, the most loathed task, can be done for 15 minutes. Can't it....?)

And so, today, I zoom. Yep, that's me: efficient, target-setting, target-reaching, zooming Anne. Get the picture? 

No? Try harder.

After my 15 minutes for lunch, I had to nip up to the shop to get carrots. That'll be the carrots that were to have gone into the Lasagne that was made in one of the earlier 30 minute slots, except that it was made without the carrots, and even though my brain knew the lasagne was lacking a vital ingredient, my brain didn't have sufficient clarity to tell me what was missing.

I digress. Again. And today, I don't have time to digress, so if y'all would just let me go on, thanks.

Whilst up at the shop, I cheated and chucked the 15 minute timer out of the window (figuratively.... I haven't quite reached that stage. Yet.) and took a stroll down to the machair. I had a desperate need to see the waves close-up, to hear them roar and just to sit and stare at them for a wee while. Just long enough to get my brain's equilibrium sorted again. I took DR's camera with me, and took these photos. I hadn't realized the wind was so strong, and the camera simply wouldn't keep still in my hands - that resulted in not-too-clear photos. But have a look, and savour the sea with me...

This looks over from our next village's machair towards 'our beach', which is tucked in behind land.

Looking directly out to sea ... Greenland would be the first land we'd reach going in a straight line in this direction. "Hiya, Greenlanders!"

The famous Eye of the Butt is just visible

The wind was fairly picking up, but the sea was so beautiful to watch. Each wave seems to glide in to shore in slow motion, each one following its own scenic pattern.

I pressed the video on the camera, and I'll add the first of the videos here. I have to warn you that all you hear is the wind - I hadn't realized it was so windy - in fact, it felt like nothing more than a 'breeze'. Sadly, you don't hear the wonderful sound of the sea, which is simply music to me.

Oh, and before you press Play, be warned: the shaking is awful - the wind was blowing my hand and I had no way of steadying the camera. If you watch it and end up with a headache, I'm taking none of the blame ;)

(It seems to be better if you watch it on YouTube itself)


  1. glad you snuck away from your intense schedule to snap these and share. and thanks for the warning on the video - yeah, my eyes can't take too much of it and i'll get nauseous. :)

  2. Just beautiful. The wind is frustrating. I've definitely had the same problem when all you want to do is capture that wonderful surf sound! I enjoyed experiencing your lovely part of the world. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. Incredible. Breathtaking. Thanks so much for sharing this, Anne!

  4. Your views are so very beautiful! I never tire of seeing these photographs!!

  5. love your beach pictures feels like i am sitting there with you

  6. I envy your proximity to the sea! I can't imagine being able to stroll to such a lovely view just moments from my home. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing!

  7. OH...Anne! It is SOOOOOO beautiful! What a lovely day! Wind and all! Simply beautiful!....It may take me a few years, but I must come and see your sights! Thanks for sharing the great photos!

  8. Anne, forgive me for being 'slow', but can you clarify what the machair is? Im just curious as our daughters name is Machaira:) Thanks, Dana

  9. OH WOW!! This land locked lady sure needed that this morning. Thank you!!! I sure miss living on an island. Maybe one day again. Until then please, please, please keep posting God's beauty.

  10. Those waves, amazing! Getting some virtual therapy looking at those waves! I don't know why, but it is therapeutic to me to see the ocean, and waves, white capped waves, rolling in. Thank you for sharing this loveliness w/ the rest of us!

    1. So much sun! Something that has been sadly lacking down here in gloomy central Scotland. And those waves are magnificent.

  11. I never get tired of your beach pictures. They are magnificent (and look cold!!). There's something mesmerizing and awesome about watching the waves crash over and over and over. It never gets tiring. Thank you for the photos!
