
Bruce is a Daddy

This week has really felt like Spring

Bruce has his first baby. 

In fact, he is the father of gorgeous twins.

Not that he looks in the slightest bit interested. 

You talking to me?

Nope. Neither he nor Wayne seem to care a jot.

This expectant Mama is still awaiting the birth of her twins.

But this lucky Mama has her labour over.

This set of twins was so playful,

and even though Mama kept a close eye on them,

they head-butted each other quite happily until...

Mother intervened,

and put a stop to their shenanigans.

She then settled them both down, and watched me as if to say, "I have it all under control. Twins? Nae bother."

(Apologies for the unclear photos. I really need to get my camera up and running again. It's not the time of year to be stuck without my 'proper' camera...)


  1. oh, how cute....have to say, I am rather glad NOT to be having twins...:-D

  2. I agree twins nae bother..Kathleen

  3. so precious! hurray for a healthy pair!

  4. Those sheep look huge! What are you feeding them? LOL

  5. Such beautiful sheep. Tell me what breed they are again. Congratulations to Bruce. I have been with out a camera for a while now and it is really frustrating... I am not happy with the pictures from my phone. Yours look really nice, I
    wouldn't have noticed anything amiss.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  6. Those little lambs are so cute! I bet you can't help but to go outside to watch them and take pictures.

  7. Those little lambs are precious, but I have to say that the photo of Bruce and Wayne running made me laugh out loud. All of that fluffiness and those little legs!

  8. What lovely sheep. I think your photos are just great. I love the sweet little faces. I love the fleece.
    I always enjoyed lambing time. :)

  9. What a good mama they have! I love it that you use words like "shenanigans"! We use that too!hehe Love the faces of those new lambs, baby animals are so cute!!! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Love the pictures, even without your primary camera. And, my toddler is thrilled, and has been singing baa baa black sheep for five minutes. -kate
