
Today's Visit with Patrice

Good morning, Patrice. Here we are again for another chat. We've had the loveliest weather over the past few days - you may have seen something of our blue skies in my last post. Beautiful.

1. Joyful Keeper asks: "What makes you smile a happy, content smile in the course of a day?"

This Wee Guy.... 
who talks non-stop, except when he's engrossed in a book,

This young lady, who renders me helpless with laughter with her accent imitations, 

This other young lady, who rushes through life with a smile and turbo-charged energy,

and this fellow, who keeps on lovin' his Mama.

These guys at any time of the day can make me smile the most contented of smiles. They are fun, and loving, and loud, and sweet, and energetic, and funny.

And did I mention I love them? To bits...

2. My Kid's Mon asks: "Are you married, single, or divorced?"

Married, since 1991, to this man...

Did I mention I loved him too? To bits...

3. Empty Nester asks: "Do you have any home made remedies for allergy or the common cold?"

Not really. Everyone laughs at my remedy for... well, for almost everything: good food and a good sleep. None of us suffers with any allergies, thankfully, so I've never had to look into remedies for these. We have been blessed with good health, and apart from the usual colds or coughs, which come occasionally, we tend not to be ill very often.

4.Stephanie asks: "How many different addresses did you have growing up?"

One! I lived in the same house all my life until I left to go and study and marry. The house now belongs to my sister-in-law and her husband, but to me, it'll always be home.

5. I've just recently realized that ____________

Mmm ... Where do I begin? 

I haven't just realized, but I do realize anew, every day, the amazing joy and privilege being a mum is. Being a homeschooling mum just adds to the joy and to the privilege so much, and I am realizing that more and more as time goes on. Maybe as I see the kids getting older, and knowing how little time we have with our kids, makes every day seem more precious to me.

I have realized this year the benefit of following a Bible Reading Plan. I'm following Rev R.M. McCheyne's plan: I was late in beginning it, so I'm still playing a bit of catch-up, but I have found it a really useful tool. What I do most days with some of the readings is listen to the Bible being read whilst reading along. We've had Scourby's CDs for years, and now I've put some of the tracks on my ipod.... This means I can plug in the ear plugs, sit with my Bible and listen and read at the same time. I've also not tended to follow day by day but, rather, week by week. So, I may read six or seven chapters of Matthew in one sitting, rather than one chapter per day. The following day, I may read three or four chapters in Genesis, and so on.

I'm not sure how much sense any of this is making, but I really have been enjoying this reading plan, especially with Scourby's company.

And I guess - related to that last point - that I realize more and more how little of the Bible I actually know. Dearie me, twenty-five years of being a Christian, and I have but touched the surface of God's Word. 

And so, Patrice, I'd better go and get cracking with my day. The Wee Guy has just finished his Maths for the day; DR is studying over in Stornoway; Katie is working on her Language; Catherine is ...er, somewhere in the house. 

Jackson is curled up on his bed, half-asleep, but alert to any sign of his morning walk being given him. 


  1. I love the pictures of your children...my kiddos melt my heart as well. I'm also thankful for each day I get to spend with them.
    Have a lovely day, Anne!

  2. Oh, how I loved The Famous Five books when I was younger. When my Mom would go back to Scotland to visit her family, the biggest treat for me when she got home were the Enid Blyton books she would bring me and Smarties! I loved, loved, LOVED all her books....The Secret Seven, The Adventure series, The St. Clare's series and The Mallory Towers series! Sadly, my girls don't enjoy to read, so they sit on our third floor unread. Every once in awhile I will thumb through one and it will bring back such fond memories. Thanks for posting that picture! Glad that your wee guy enjoys The Famous Five.

  3. What a lovely family you have. And to have the same house in your family would be so stabilizing. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Mr McCheyne was a great man of God. It is amazing to think we are still enjoying his ministry so many years after his short life ended. My husband just reminded me that we are both older now than he was when he died. We also enjoy Alexander Scourby's recordings of the Bible - he had such a beautiful voice. I always enjoy reading your blog! Thanks!

  5. I am particularly fond of your wee guy's hat! :D

    My handsome hubby and I were also married in 1991. Hard to believe that we will be celebrating 21 years this May!

  6. Those socks, yes, those little Wee Guy socks made me smile (and the holes in each knee, signs of a very active young man)!!! You have beautiful children and much to be proud of!

  7. Yes, I am sure you love those kids to bits. Hard not to. You have beautiful children.

    I agree with you about homeschooling. It is such an amazing adventure. It has it's ups and downs too. I am realizing how quickly it goes by, which is why I am in search for ways to make it more enjoyable for my kids.

  8. Being a mother...a homeschool mom is wonderful! This chapter will be soon closing for me. Where did the years go? I'm deeply appreciative for God making an allowance in providing steady work for my DH (not to mention the support of my DH)so I could remain at the home front fullfilling my role to its potential. =D
