
Happy Birthday, Jackson!

My wee baby is now 1. 

This was the day we took him home,

and one of his first ventures outside.

This was when he loved sleeping on someone's foot, 

and this was him posing.

These were the days when we spoilt him rotten. He has been through so many beds since he had this one. Labs love to chew - did y'all know that? 

Here he is playing with one of the dozen shoes he had in the garden,

and here is his intelligent dozy look.

Like ourselves, he sometimes forgets where his allegiance lies, 

...except when it comes to this allegiance. He never gets this one wrong.

Here, he is reminding me that 'His ancestors retrieved grouse for Royalty'.

...Er... does this look like a Royal Mutt to you guys?

This was the day I looked for a new home for him.

This was his first snowy playtime. He absolutely loved it.

And here he is trying to befriend John Wayne and Bruce Willis. They were having none of it.

Their loss, I tell him.

Happy Birthday, Jackson!
Don't let anyone tell you you're Goofy, Dumb, Dozy, Stupid, or Bonny-but-Dim.

We know otherwise.... Don't we?


  1. nothing better than a lab! yes, destructive and full of energy, but oh, so precious!

  2. I can see why you took him home. Ain't he the sweetest. Who cares if he's a little dim : )

  3. Jackson, you are gorgeous!!
    We love you in Virginia!!!
    (Especially our lab, Kathie,.....she says all of your antics make you extremely handsome!!)

  4. He is sooooo cute! I can't believe he is one yr. old already! I love all the pics, you certainly captured his personality. Dogs are so much fun, I do love the canine species!

  5. Happy Birthday to Jackson! He is a fine specimen of a dog :)

    1. I told him what you said. He's glad *someone* appreciates his fine genetic heritage ;)

  6. Happy birthday, Jackson! What a fun look back through the past year...he's changed quite a bit in just 12 months!

    I have been wanting a puppy so badly recently. A collie breeder in our area has some puppies for sale right now, and collies are my ALL TIME FAVORITE dogs. If I didn't have A BABY on the way (and if, ya know, money grew on trees), I would be *begging* Jeff for one of those collie puppies. Oh, well, maybe some day... For now, I'll just enjoy seeing and reading about Jackson here on your blog. :)

    1. Well, we are enjoying having a dog now, but I definitely wouldn't have had one whilst babies were on the go. Oh nooooo!

  7. That ball he is destructively chewing on looks very familiar, maybe you can ask where it came from, cause i think i left it behind. Ha ha
    cool post

    1. But since its a celtic ball, i wouldn't lay claim to it, looks like its as anti-celtic as yourselves

    2. By the last "it" i meant jackson, (sorry Jackson)

    3. Yep, you left it behind, but you do know that *anything* of that colour left at this house will go the same way ;)

    4. Er.... and by "it" you meant JACKSON???!!!

      This is Royalty you're talking about, mate ;)

  8. Tell "him" it was a figure of speech
