
Back Chatting with Patrice. It's Been a While

Well, Patrice, I have missed our weekly chats so much. Now that life has returned to some level of normality, hopefully I'll be back with you each week, and I'm delighted to be joining yourself and the other ladies today.

We were just having a laugh here just now: The Builder was asking the kids what LOL stood for, and Catherine was telling the story of a lady who texted her daughter to let her know her great aunt had passed away. The text read:

Auntie Marie has passed away. Lol x

Her daughter phoned her that evening and asked her to read out the text she'd sent her earlier on. Mum read it: Auntie Marie has passed away. Lots of love x

Just shows you.... Make sure you know your abbreviations. It could be a matter of life and death!

So to today's questions:

1. How often do you wear a skirt or dress?

Well, as y'all know, my favoured attire is...

... though believe it or not, I wore a skirt to town today. Flat brown boots, and a knee length skirt. Er, no, not these boots. Town is not worthy of them.

I wear a skirt or dress to church, so that's twice on Sunday, and to our midweek meeting. Apart from that, I have to be honest my skirts don't get too much of an airing. Much to my mother's horror. Sorry Mum... 

2. Did you feel unmotivated after Christmas and New Year?

Well, our holidays were so busy - that wonderful busy-ness that comes from being blessed with a home, family and friends, and visiting and food aplenty. Blessings indeed. We began our 'real life' yesterday, and so far - a long 48 hours later - I feel totally motivated. (I'm glad I'm not answering this on Friday!) 

I tend to get spurned on to 'better things' at the beginning of each term, and have to fight to keep it up as the term goes on. So for now, I'm feeling pretty motivated.

Now all I need is to reacquaint myself and the treadmill. 

Patrice, quick - ask the next question. Quiiiiick!

3. What was the last thing that made you say "Wow"?

The other day, I saw an incredible wave crashing over the Butt, and definitely said "Wow!". (And yes, I called the kids to see it too. And they obliged :)

The waves the other day made the waves in this photo seem like something a child would make in the bath. I love the way it all seems to happen in slow motion. The best of the wave the other day was that the sea was coming in towards the Butt, but the wind was from the North, so it was pushing the sea spray in the opposite direction. It was fabulous to watch. 

Was my answer predictable?! (At least it wasn't a sunset....wrong time of year for that!)

4. Do you shop with a list, or do you 'wing it'?

Oh dear. Me and my lists. I faithfully write a list before I head off to town every single week. 

And one of two things happens:

a) I may leave the list on the kitchen worktop. This is a very common occurrence. 

b) I may reach the last aisle in Tesco and remember... The List. I go sporghail (sorry, no English word.... just imagine some very elegant searching in a very neat and tidy handbag... ahem) in my sack bag, only to give up and hope the essentials were all remembered. Of course, the essentials always include these essential items that others may not class as essential. Essentially, they consist of chocolate. Other essentials may be overlooked, but one's sanity and well-being is too important to be forgotten. Anyone else find this??

Fortunately we have a couple of local shops here in Ness (where would we be without them!) for my inevitable 'forgets'. I ought to make a New Year resolution to do with lists, or essentials, or something ...

'A' New Year resolution, Anne?? Plural, methinks. Plural.

5. What questions would you like me to ask on our Chat?

Oh, Patrice, you know my imagination is rubbish! Have we spoken about holidays - in the past, in the future, or in our imagination? New Year resolutions? What you love most about where you live? What you'd change about where you live?!

Thankfully, we've got lots of company today, so ask the others... they'll have good ideas.

It's been so good being back with you on the porch - well, inside, I know - but we still like to call it the porch, don't we? I hope y'all have a great week, and have the joy of the Lord, the peace that passes understanding and a greater love for our Saviour than we've ever had before.

Wouldn't that make it a great week...


  1. you had me laughing all the way. leaving the list on the kitchen counter. UGH! hate that!

  2. Love to listen in on your chat, Anne!
    Incidentally, my daughter (Sarah) told me that my shoes looked like yours! I think she is right! Didn't Jackson try to redesign those shoes?....Hope he was unsuccessful!

    May the Lord bless you in this year! He blesses me frequently thru your blog! Thanks for being willing to be used by Him!

    1. Er, yes, Jackson has made the effort to 'redesign' my shoes - with the help of my daughter, no less.
      Thankfully, I caught him....*them*, and the boots are safe ;)

  3. It's been a bit since I joined in the chats, too!!! Enjoyed your answers!!!

  4. Hello, dropping by from Chats of the Farmhouse Porch, enjoyed your answers and enjoyed my visit.

  5. Very nice answers and I love that picture of that wave hitting the land.

  6. Oh, Anne girl! (in the words of Miss Stacy!....)You do make me chuckle...and having been woken at 5.56am by my gorgeous son (who then slept beside me until 7am, and is sitting patting my shoulder saying "mummy", because he wants me to open the toy box...which I have now done....), I needed a chuckle. I am sooooo relieved that I am not the only one who forgets to bring lists. I forgot to bring a cheque to put in the bank, recently, and THAT was annoying...I did your whole "sporghail" thing! lol


  7. We're forever forgetting our list, too. I enjoyed hearing about the really cool wave and seeing the picture, too.

    I'm here from Patrice's Farmhouse Chats. Have a great day!

  8. I always forgot my lists too until I found a shopping list app on my phone! Now I have to remember to put it there instead of write it down. My mother is the queen of list making! I, sadly, did not inherit this mastery.

  9. I am so thrilled you stopped by my blog today...I'll be visiting you as well. I'm a Texan, but I also lived in Scotland for a while, during my childhood, and I might never have gone back to America, if it had been my choice. I'm glad I'm here now, but I really loved Scotland. Edinburgh was my town -- we lived off of Inchmickery Avenue.

    Isn't this a small world?

    I'm glad you enjoyed my road trip blog with the photos of us going to the country. And I do imagine that you get some hefty winds.

    Anyway, it's so nice to meet you and I look forward to developing a great friendship between the Scottish and Texan bloggers!!


  10. I always pick up chocolate whenever I'm in the store. You never know when they'll run out and then where would I be? Essentials are easy!

  11. My daughter, Naomi, gave me a giant chocolate bar for Christmas. Her note attached said "For your emergencies Mom." God bless her.

    1. And seriously, Mrs Santos, could she have given any greater evidence of her love and concern for you ?! ;)

  12. Replies
    1. Hi :)
      Patrice is at www.everydayruralty.com and she hosts our weekly 'chats' :) Head on over to her blog - you'll love it :)

  13. I absolutely love your WOW photo! I think it's breath-taking. It sort of reminds of...oh drats, it escapes my mind at the moment. Anyhow, it's part of Acadia National Park in Maine where the ocean slams agains a beautiful jaggedy shore line. It'll come to me later and then I'll slam myself in the head for not remembering earlier. When I do think of it, I'll try to remember to come to tell you. =D

    Anyhow, glad you're back with us. I was full of busy-ness last month, as well and found myself missing my regular blog hops all the time. It's time to get back to normal.

    1. It is a kinda crazy time of year... but a lovely 'crazy' :) I'm just about back to normal too, thankfully x

  14. I just wanted you to know your lovely calendar arrived today. If I had got that before I did my Chats blog I would have listed it at my Wow!! I did say wow at every picture. My son who is 18 said, I need a calendar, can I have it? I told him he has to wait. IT is so awesome,
    Thank you so much I will enjoy it and the house in December is just cool.
