
Bonfire Day... Part I

What a gorgeous day we have here.

We have:

- hardly any wind
- no rain
- blue skies

I thought someone may have transported me some place else through the night, but I checked some things:

- the view
- my family
- my to-do list

Yep, I'm home.

Here are some photos from this morning.

Beginning to get the bonfire shape..

and kids on top of the world.

The centre pole arriving...

...and the gaffer keeping an eye on proceedings


  1. I SO wish I could join you! I love bonfires! And to be there...in that place! Oh! What a wonderful memory it would make! Have fun! And carry me with you in your thoughts when you're enjoying that bonfire tonight! :) God bless!

  2. Wow. That looks like it's going to be one big fire!

  3. Grrrrrrrrrreat news via the blog!!! I bet everyone is well enough to enjoy the bonfire then! Anna will be glad to hear that everyone made it!

    Have a wonderful time and I look forward to reading Part 2!

  4. fun, fun! :)

    mountain mama

  5. Looks amazing! I do have a question....In last year's post you had this Guy on top of the fire, a Mr. Fawkes? was it? ,.......ah, I've just read about it....Your post is quite enlightening! Very educational! Hehehee...hope the evening was fun!...and all of your children healthy enough to participate! Looking forward to Part 2 pictures!

  6. The fact that you have that incredible view out your front (back?) window just makes me SO jealous. I know you DON'T take it for granted and that's the only thing that saves you from me coming across the ocean finding a way for me to live there instead of you!

  7. I'm once again trying to get over the fact that you all burn perfectly good boards in your bonfire. I realize, no trees means no limbs or anything, but everytime I see your burn pile, I'm thinking of all the things we could make w/ that wood.lol Pallets are huge in the states right now, called "up-cycling using them to make all sorts of things. It's a crazy craze!lol
