
Off to Market

Today, this fella is off to market...

Er, sorry.

Let's begin that again.

Today, this fella is off to market...

And these guys...

But no worries.

These guys are shearlings and tups (Oh, how I hope I'm right here. I asked DR earlier on, and I'm sure that's what he said. I do know they are all male and that some were born last Spring, and others were born a year last Spring). 

Anyway, one thing I do know is this: they are being sold for a life of luxury. They will never become lamb chops and curry, but they will have a life of, er... well, you know what ;)


  1. Cute! Boy, not sheep :-)

  2. Wee Guy looks so cute, I'm assuming he gets to accompany the other guys on their trip to market.

  3. I love those sheep faces. :) The boy is adorable too.

  4. I just love how pretty they are and I love the horns. It looks very nice.

  5. You had me all excited with that first photo! I was thinking... can you really do that? Alas you popped my bubble... ;)

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. It's official, I love your blog! I came over from your facebook page that linked to your blog. I loved your comments on what prohibited you initially from homeschooling, and I knew that was someone I needed to know. I relate. I find comfort in your honesty!

  7. Welcome, Kathy! ... looking forward to getting to know you better :)
