
On the Porch for Another Chat

It's definitely a day for Patrice's Porch today. 

We have driving rain and gale force winds, so if we had our chat here, Patrice, it'd be around the fire.

Actually, that sounds like my kinda thing too, doesn't it. Feet curled up on the sofa, a cuppa and some goodies, and a good chat. 

Anyway, we'll have enough time for these things, Anne, in the winter. For the time being, I'm gonna enjoy Patrice's Fall weather for as long as I can.

Here are today's questions.

Are you a morning person, someone who does best in the middle of the day, or a night owl?

I'm not a morning person. I drag myself out of bed every day, and it is never, ever easy for me. Yet, once I'm up, I can get so much more done in an early morning hour, that during any other hour of the day. I don't like going to bed early, even when I'm really tired - I feel like I'm wasting one of the best times of the day: the time to just chill. 

So, it's a constant battle for me.

Do you take vitamins or supplements?


If you were a dog, would you be a) a Poodle, b) a Retriever, c) a Sheep Dog, or a d) Chihuahua?

Oh! A poodle, walking on tiptoe with all these curls, looking ladylike... looking out of place on the croft, but at home in the designer shops on the Champs Elysees, or prancing down the Manhattan sidewalk.... ? 

Er, no.

A Retriever: they always look like they're smiling. I love them. I'd love to be part of the shooting party, but the thought of having to go retrieving.... I'd have to splash through water. I'd have to ... ewwwww... put stuff in my mouth. No - gorgeous as they are, this will have to be a No, too.

A Sheep Dog: oh dear - I'm aware if I say, No, to this one, I'm left with the chihuahua. (Apologies in advance to any chihuahua lovers and owners, but aren't they, er, like overgrown rodents, but with doggy colouring and tail?) Oh, I'm sorry, I know that was a terrible thing to say, and I know in height I ought to choose this breed, but I just can't bring myself to. 

I'm aware too that I'm choosing, or rejecting the breeds according to what I'd like, rather than what I really am. 

But, having said all that, I'm left with the lovely sheep dog: smart, shiny-haired, eager to please, always busy, and the Wee Guy's favourite.

I can live with that...

Please tell us about what you're reading now.

I'm reading Capitalism for Kids by Karl Hess. I'm reading it to see whether the girls will get anything from it.

I'm also reading In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce, by G.A. Henty. I'm going to be reading it aloud to the Wee Guy soon, but we're still reading the Little House books, so I began reading it for myself. 

As you can see, I'm pushing the limits of my mind. Not.

Over the weekend, I read, A Small Price to Pay: written by Harvey Yoder, it tells the story of Mikhail Khorev and his life under the communist regime of the USSR. This book is a quick read, but a worthwhile read. 

Okay, here I go with that magic wand! If I came to your house and could fix up one room with the wave of my wand, what would you have me renovate / redecorate / refurnish? (BTW- If I only could! That would be such fun. Then we'd sit on your porch and visit.)

Er, does the garage count?

If not, then the girls are keen to re-do their bedroom, and spent last night poring over colour samples. That would be a more pleasant job, Patrice, than the garage. We'll leave that to the guys.

Actually, talking of the girls and their bedroom... it may not be as easy as one would think: we have one bedroom, and two girls. The bedroom is big, but the girls' tastes are so different. Katie is a pink girl, and is looking at a two-tone paint scheme. One of the colours is Raspberry.

That is toooo pink for Catherine. She'd have beiges and blues. I foresee an interesting time ahead. 


  1. My Wednesday would not be complete without these chats.........I love learning about you!

    Ben and Anna read Capitalism for Kids for their economics course. They both love Henty---all of his books---but especially In Freedom's Cause. I never heard of the one by Yoder. I will go and check it out!

  2. I definitely think garages count since that's what I asked for. I'm with you on chihuahuas but you're right - it sounds so mean.

  3. What fun to see what kind of dog you would be and I always love to see what people are reading. I hope you enjoy your rainy blowy day!!!

  4. wow, you took the words right out of my mouth for question #1!!!

  5. I had to laugh at the Chihuahua answer. I agree. I can't say I've ever met one that wasn't totally obnoxious and thought itself several feet bigger than reality gave it!

    I'm like you about morning- once I get going...

    I'd gladly redo the girls'room and the garage. The garage sounds easier with the color choices! My sisters were close in age and had to share a room. The got to the point where the put masking tape on the walls and floor in a straight line to delineate which girl had which side. I do believe there was a special compensation so the one could exit the room.
    Have a great week, Anne! Welcome to the cuppa club for Border Collies. Perhaps there is some connection between moms and that breed!

  6. What about pink and beige for the room? Those seem to go well together.

  7. You are so funny! I loved the dog bit. I would have to be a sheepdog too. I can be gentle when I need to be and give um a little nip when necessary.

  8. We are putting all four girls together in the biggest bedroom - I forsee trouble ahead :-)
