
How our Love Spreads

This is a quote from J.C. Ryle:

"If we love a person, we like his friends. We are favorably inclined to them, even before we know them. We are drawn to them by the common tie of common love to one and the same person. When we meet them we do not feel that we are altogether strangers. There is a bond of union between us. They love the person that we love, and that alone is an introduction. Well, it is just so between the true Christian and Christ! The true Christian regards all Christ’s friends as his friends, members of the same body, children of the same family, soldiers in the same army, travelers to the same home. When he meets them, he feels as if he had long known them. He is more at home with them in a few minutes, than he is with many worldly people after an acquaintance of several years. And what is the secret of all this? It is simply affection to the same Savior and love to the same Lord."  

I love this quote. 

I love it because it was sent to me in a lovely e-mail this  morning. And I love it because it speaks exactly of how I feel.

There is definitely an immediate bond when you meet people who are loved by those whom you love.

And I feel that especially for the children of people I love. I feel very protective of the children of people who are dear to me, even if they are wayward, even if they are prats, and even if they are way, way off where they ought to be.

Yes, the bonds we have in Christ run deep. So deep that they reach those we've never met. So deep that they reach the families of those we love. And even so deep that they reach the friends of those we love.

Who wouldn't want to be part of the family of Christ! If you are still outside of Christ, come to Him, join with us, and be part of the best family on earth...


  1. Oh how precious! I recognize those bonds, even here in blogland. What a beautiful quote, packed full of truth, thank you for sharing!

  2. I agree, no one is closer to me than my brothers and sisters in Christ. Lovely quote.

  3. I like J.C. Ryle! Thanks for sharing.

  4. So true. Beautiful quote. It's a strong bond between brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Thanks for sharing,
    Blessings and enjoy your weekend :-)

  5. What a great quote - and it is really so true! Thanks for sharing. :)

  6. It is a great quote! I agree with it too. We are called to "love one another" and to "love our neighbor as ourselves". This means all people, regardless of whether we know them or not. It is an even more powerful bond when they share the love of Christ.
