
Another Chat on Patrice's Porch

I missed our chat last week, Patrice, but glad I'm able to join you this week on your porch.

Some of your Fall weather would be delightful. Unfortunately, we wouldn't be able to sit out on a porch here - at least not without our woolly scarves - so it'll be your place this week again. Imagine the hardship - having to picture myself over your side of the Pond. Again.

Anyway, your questions for this week.

If you could bring someone to Patrice's porch to join in on our chat, who would you bring?

Well, I have two online friends, whom I've never met in person, but who have become really precious to me. One lives on this side of The Pond, so I could pick her up en route; the other lives in Virginia, so she'd meet me on your porch.

I may have said this before (I do have a habit of repeating myself. It comes from having children. Or from forgetting what I've said before)... anyway, where was I? Oh yes ... When I began blogging, I had no idea what was ahead of me. I had no definite reason for beginning to blog; I had no strategy, or deep and meaningful reason behind pouring out some words along with some photos. A friend sent me a link to a blog she'd been reading, said she thought she'd begin blogging and I realised 'normal' people could blog. So much for the beginning. But the result has been that I have 'met' so many people, and have developed real online friendships with a couple of folks I originally met through the blog. 

So, back to your original question (I tend to detour, so you need to drag me back, Patrice), these are the two I'd choose.

What's your favorite thing to make when fall rolls around? (Can be food, or maybe a craft.)

I love when I see the nights drawing in. Some people love the summer and develop SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder, or something like that) when the Autumn and Winter arrive. I'm the opposite. I love seeing the days shortening, because I love the thought of cozy nights in by the fire. I love having time. T-I-M-E.... such a precious commodity ... with the Builder and the kids. To talk, to yarn, to read and drink tea and eat cakes (I'm so glad our chats no longer have anything to do with weight loss. So very, very glad ;), to watch a DVD. To chill.

Oh hang on, I just noticed you said, 'What's your favourite thing to make...'. To make? It will have to be food of some description, although our diets don't change that much with the seasons, because our seasons don't change that much with the, er, seasons.

How many times a month do you go to a library or bookstore?

Well, the kids go to the library in town often, but I hardly ever go. The bookstore visits are normally reserved for my (infrequent) visits to the mainland. Bookstores, with coffee shops and comfy chairs, must be an absolute dream day out for me. 

It'd be a toss-up between that and a day shooting. And not with the camera.

What things make blogs the best?

I do like to feel like I get to know a person. Obviously there are limits on what we'll talk about on a blog, but I do want to get a feel for what makes a person 'tick'. If a blog has a teaching objective, I want to learn; if a blog is a 'story' blog, I want to feel like the person is talking to me. I like blogs that have a mixture - like your own, Patrice - I like to at least know those who live in the home; I like to get a 'feel' of where they live - whether town or country, or waaay out in the sticks; I like to learn some recipes - I really love step-by-step recipes (that's why PW's recipes are so good); and some new skills - maybe canning or gardening or basic household tips. 

Like yourself, Patrice, I don't like too much moaning. I don't mind people opening their hearts and letting us know of their problems - absolutely, I don't mind that - but constant whingeing... that's a no-no.

When you blog, Patrice, do you make conscious decisions about what you're going to blog about? Do you think of what people may want, or what they may have had enough of? To be honest, I don't, but maybe I ought to. I just open my mouth and let my tummy rumble. I am on Facebook now too, so 
that's another outlet for saying Hi at odd times of the day.

I'd love some of those who read my blog, actually, to tell me what they like and don't like about my blog. So, if you're reading this, please tell in the comments what is good, bad, or indifferent about my blog. I'd love to know.

If someone would pay for you to take a class (any class- college-private-online-at a craft store-the sky's the limit here, my friends), what class would you take? 

Oh, choices, choices! I would probably learn to play the piano if I could. That is still a dream for me. I would also love to study history, and politics, and philosophy (I did this for a year at University, and it was by far my favourite subject. I'd love to do more of it.). Literature too. Writing - I'd love to learn writing skills.

And cooking. I'd love to really learn proper cooking and baking skills.

I certainly don't long for my kids not be around me all day, but I do think if I'm ever 'at a loose end', there are things I'd love to study. They may not be in formal classes, but the history of the island, and my genealogy would definitely be a subject I'd like to delve into.

Oh, I do ramble on and on.

Great to meet up again, Patrice. I really look forward to these chats, but I guess I'd best go and get started on dinner. See you next week!


  1. I love your blog! I too strive to be open and find people to connect with. I started my blog simply because I was looking for a place to get out my thoughts. I do not think a whole lot of people really read my blog but I do enjoy doing it so that makes it fun for me.

  2. Very nice and I enjoy reading what you think too. It makes it so nice to be able to visit.

  3. I think that's the point of blogging...to say what you think. I never start out with a plan. Ha! When have I ever? I am one of life's drifters and just go where the wind blows me. If you want strict focus in your blog, don't knock on mine. It's pretty eclectic.
    Thanks for the visit. I've enjoyed the chat and I'll be back next week.

  4. To answer your question. I like your sense of humor and your rambling on and on. :-)

    Your blog is enjoyable because you make me laugh. It is kind of like PW.

  5. I love getting a glimpse into your life as a homeschooling family in Scotland. Your blog is talked about often over our supper. Our family votes that you do not change the way you blog. We love to read it!!!

  6. I agree that blogging has opened up a whole new world. I also love shorter days. Drinking tea and eating cakes rates high in my book! I would love to take you to some of my favorite bookstores- the ones with coffee and overstuffed chairs!

    Regarding your blog, I really enjoy it and have fun feeling "in touch" with someone so many miles away. It's fun to see what you have in common with people all over the world. I enjoy your photos because your surroundings are lovely, the family- well, I almost feel like I know them, and Jackson and sheep make for an interesting read. The few posts you've done on history are interesting. I'd also love to see photos when you go to the mainland. You traditions interest me. It's fun to see what different people do in their lives that become traditions, even the guga! I enjoy your blog!
    Thanks for being a part of Chats.

  7. I like how your sense of humor comes out in your posts. I love your "boots" and the post on the guga and the moors were very enjoyable because they were so Scottish. And I always enjoy your visits to the Times. Thank you for that.

  8. I found your blog through the McDonald's blog. It intrigued me instantly when I saw that you were from Scotland. That you were a homeschooled family was another tie. I love to see a glimpse into a non-touristy Scotland from another Christian.

  9. Anne, I enjoy your blog because it seems to paint a picture of many areas of your life...your commitment to the Lord, your sense of humor (humour?), and your day to day doings. I appreciate your perspective and understanding of how the Lord works in our lives, and your willingness to be used by Him and to bring glory to Him!

  10. I love your blog. I love the way I feel like I can connect. No need for change as far as I can read.

  11. I think I started reading your blog, when you talked about cleaning the house because "Granny" was coming to visit.... it cracked me up, and I related right away. I love your wit and humor Anne, and I love the connection I feel with your expression of politics, history, homeschooling,
    farming, family, animals, cooking and of course the glue that holds it all together, the Lord; that and your kind response to my life is what keeps me loving blogging, and loving being a blogging friend to you.
