
A Glimpse into my Afternoon

No time to write much just now, but these photos show the events at our house this afternoon.

Looks like nothing?

Now you see why they're here...

We discovered a fire in the garage, against the wall that backs onto our Utility Room.

It seems as if an electrical fault in one of our freezers was the cause.

I was so thankful that we have a local fire crew. They were at our home 16 minutes after our 999 call.

And here is the inside of our garage now.

I can't write too much just now. We are having dinner at my sister-in-laws. I could write and write about the number of causes for thankfulness I have. There are so many, and I will write as soon as I can.


  1. WOW! I am sure glad that they got there quick and put out the fire quickly. I am also glad that nobody was hurt.

  2. What a mess! However, like you said so many reasons to be thankful! Praise God for an emergency team that was there when called.

  3. Love and prayers, we are shocked for you; I hope you'll be upheld as you work to get things back to normal. And like you say, much cause for thankfulness, so wish we were nearby to support you. Hxx

  4. And I'm assuming you are all alright? So thankful a mess is all you are really dealing with. Take care!

  5. Wow! So glad you found before the whole house went up! Was the freezer full?

  6. Scary! I'm assuming no one was seriously hurt?

  7. So glad you are okay! What a shock! Praying for you.

  8. Yikes! I hope it stayed in the garage and didn't make it through to your utility or the rest of the house!

  9. what verse is written on the plaque above the fire?

  10. I also hope it stayed in the garage!

  11. Wow! What an adventure...not one I'd like to repeat!
    Glad you are all fine....though likely a bit frazzled!

  12. Oh I am so thankful you are okay. So glad you are safe.

  13. Wow - talk about drama! So glad you all are alright!

  14. Ann, so sorry and so thankful in equal measure.

  15. I'm so glad you and your family are okay! It could have been so much worse. Is there much smoke damage in the other areas of the house?

  16. Ann, thankful that none of you were hurt. Praying for you .

  17. it looks like we aren't the only family with adventures!!

    so very glad the Lord protected you all and there wasn't more damage. oh...i know your adrenaline must have been rushing!!! breathe...

  18. Oh, dear me, Anne! Thankful with you that the fire was contained, all are safe, and so on. Thinking of your family.

  19. Wow Praise God it wasn't worse! Praying that it's not too costly or that too many special things were lost.
    Sending love from Pennsylvania USA

  20. How blessed you truly are! Praise God you are all safe and your home is too. So many are not as fortunate.

  21. My dear friend......praying just as hard for you on the day after the fire......and in the days ahead. ((hug))

  22. Thank you all for your comments, and your thoughts and prayers.
    The verse on the plaque is: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

    That says it all... the Gospel in a nutshell...

    Thank you all again x

  23. I thank the Lord you are all safe. :)
