
Holidays are Almost Over...

Almost all our school materials have now arrived. Woohoo! The kids are all ready and eager to begin schooling, so I reckon we'll kinda get going on Thursday, and hope some creases will be ironed out before we get a good start on Monday.

Hang on... Thursday is tomorrow. Oh well, there goes my day or two of ease before the term begins. Never mind, there's always the Christmas holidays.

For the Wee Guy, we are using:


Abeka for Maths and Language. He's now onto his third year of Abeka Arithmetic and Language. It works well for us, the lessons are clear and very easy to follow. 

The girls are using Abeka's DVDs for Maths.


Mystery of History for, er, History! We haven't used this curriculum before, but it's set out in such a way as to be used with all three kids. For example, after Lesson 91 has been read (and talked about), these questions follow:

Activities for Lesson 91

91A—Younger Students
Write a story about what it would be like to have a pet elephant. What would you want him to do for you? Where could he take your family? Where would he sleep, and how much would he eat?  To make your story believable, read some information about elephants in the encyclopedia and weave these facts into your story.

Dictate the story to your teacher and include it in your Student Notebook 
under “Africa: Tunisia.” (Tunisia is the modern country in Africa where Carthage used to be.)

91B—Middle Students
Pretend you are a soldier with Hannibal’s army. Write a diary page of what it is like to travel with the elephants. Although it was not a funny expedition, you could write your diary page in a humorous fashion. Use your imagination. 
File your page under “Africa: Tunisia.”

91C—Older Students
1.  Write a synopsis of each of the three Punic Wars. These wars were considered pivotal to history, and the tactics of Hannibal were ingenious. Pay attention to the name Scipio. 
h ere was more than one. File your research under “Africa: Tunisia.”

2.  Are you a war buff ? If you like battle scenes, research the details on the Battle of Zama, Scipio versus Hannibal. It was quite a showdown.

And so, there are a variety of questions suitable for the different age groups.

One area of study I am keen that they improve on is the ability to read, understand, chew over, and regurgitate - whether in writing or orally.

For Bible as a subject, the girls are going to use The Truth that Frees as a teaching tool. 

Much of what might come under the category of Language/English/Literature will be a selection of books and materials 

- they will listen to lectures, take notes and answer a question I've set them: this question may ask for an essay, for a summary, or for a discussion on the topic.

- we will read chapters of books together and, again, I will set relevant questions for them. We plan to carry on with Ruth: Her Story for Today, which I posted about here.

- they will read and write book summaries, reviews, or they will write essays connected with the book. Again, the synopsis of some of their reading books will be in the form of discussion - of questions and answers, of thought and opinions.

Again, we will be using Pudewa's Excellence in Writing materials to help with writing style.


Katie is keen on drawing, and definitely has some talents in this area that did not come from me. She is going to use Artistic Pursuits to develop some of her artistic skills.

She will do Art with the Wee Guy too.


The girls will use Abeka DVDs for Science. 

The Wee Guy is using Abeka's science curriculum for his age group.

Here's a selection of some of the books we'll be using this coming year.

And now, it's 'hop to it'... there's work to be done!


  1. Have a super fantastic year of teaching and training your beautiful BABES!

    Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

  2. I finished up Volume 3 of Mystery of History this year, We did all three. By far better than any history book I have ever used. In fact I was disapointed that I think my home schooling will be over before she has volume 4 in print. I think I will buy that one just for me. I have even been thinking about going back and doing them on my own. Lovely history and I love how she always brings it back to Jesus Christ.
    I didn't have any children as young as yours are when I started but my older ones, yes, even the ones in college would come in and sit when we did history.
    It became our favorite part of the school year.
    It sounds like you will have a good time. Nothing better than the day our school books arrived.

  3. Yes, hop to it! God bless this year in school.

  4. Wow, your summer holidays seem to end early:) I've done all three volumes of the Mystery of History and really enjoyed them, the best history books I've used by far. Hope you guys enjoy them too!

  5. Wishing you a GREAT start to your school year! (We're getting in all the summer days we can before winter arrives in Maine! We're waiting until 9/6 to start.) Stopping by from WUHS' Weekly Wrap-up!

  6. Ah...school time again. I have a couple of more weeks to gather the rest of our materials. You guys start early! Hope the year gets off to a great start!
