
A Visitor comes to the Croft

Later this morning, I head off to the airport to meet Heather, of Life in the Valley, and her daughter. They are coming to stay for a few days, so we're hoping for a bit of sunshine, very little wind, and a bit of warmth.

Hmmm. We'll see.

Heather and I only met through blogs, so this will be the first of my blogging friends to come and see us, here on the Croft. No doubt, I will post over the next few days of some of what we do and of what she thinks. Should be fun!


  1. Oh my!!!!! I am so jealous!!! :-)

    Enjoy your time together.....what a blessing for Heather and you!!!

  2. How wonderful!! Have a Great Visit ~I hope to meet some of my blogging friends one day ~Love Heather

  3. Blessings to you, Heather and her daughter ~ have a wonderful visit and enjoy the weather {I am sure it will be lovely!}.

  4. The first time I ever met a 'blog pal,' it was amazing! It was like we had known each other for a long time - no preliminaries, we just jumped in talking about all the things we already have in common.

  5. What fun! I always wondered if it would work out. :)
