
Shearing, Part I

Big Brother was shearing rams the other day. As always, he needed me around.

There's a story behind the ram at the front, who is clearly not a Blackface. Doesn't he look odd, as opposed to the others, who look, er, odd.

He'd taken them in to the barn, and took them, one by one, for their haircuts.

They don't tend to be the most willing participants.

By the time I came out to the barn began taking photos, he'd almost finished the job.

Really, how he thinks he's going to manage the job without me, I just don't know.

As I said, they're not the most willing of participants.

Arghhhh! These are scary, scary animals.

By the way - any biologists out there? Why do rams get green-eye, rather than red-eye with the camera flash?


Need my help, BB?

No? Oh well, be like that. I wont be offering the next time.

Electric clippers. In Shearing, Part II, you'll see an alternative method.

Hah! Not so smart now, are you?!

Can you spot Mr Wayne? He's right at the back - wouldn't you say he's lost a certain 'something'? And not just his fur.

No, no.... wool. WOOL. I do know it's wool.

This fella needed a bit taken off his horn because it was going too close to his eye.

Ooooh nice..... erm ... sawing action. ;)

 The part of the horn that was sawn off.


  1. Wow! That sawing off the horn thing is....a bit scary to me! Their horns are quite charming, but I can imagine it would be a problem if it took a turn toward their eye or too close to their eyes! We have a suffolk/hampshire cross breed....they have no horns...only horn bud looking things where their horns should've been. For us novices, that is good, learning to sheer them is enough!

  2. I've seen this a few times in my life but I enjoyed looking at the play by play -- nicely done..but boy, hard work and steady hands = skilled.. hugs

  3. I enjoyed this post. We went to Kentucky Down Under one time and the kids got to participate in a few activities. My husband had a chance to set a sheep. Not sure if it was an ewe or a ram. The show was quite interesting. We learned about all the uses for sheep. Then my 6 year old got a chance to feed a lamb with a bottle. It was fun.

  4. I'm a new follower!


    I loved this post...the animals look beautiful after their little hair cut!

  5. That is some serious work. But really, weren't you exhausted after taking all those photos? I hope the guys gave you a chance to rest and put your feet up. ;)

  6. This is fascinating!!! And funny. I can't imagine sawing off a horn! Guess that's why I'm not a sheep ...farmer...herder???

  7. Wow! That is something I've never seen before (the sawing off a horn part).

  8. What a job! Do you do the shearing yourself? I suppose that everyone there learns to shear with all those sheep around.
    Cool horn trimming.

  9. I'm a handspinner, so this kind of thing really interests me. Does Big Brother belong to a wool co-op that he sells his wool to? When the sheep finally leave this life, is anything done with the horns? For working around, I'll take polled sheep, thank you, but there's no doubt the horns are beautiful.

  10. Did you ever find the reason for the 'green eye' in the rams photos? I think it might be the colour of the rods in their retina reflecting when the flash goes off.
