
Friday's Facts

Fact #1
We stopped to photograph this fine fellow last night whilst crossing the Barvas moor on our way to town.

 Deer are a common site nowadays, but 'when I was young', I never, ever saw a deer.

Fact #2
Stornoway is twinned with Pendleton, South Carolina. Do any of you live close to Pendleton?
 I stopped the car to take this photo. Nothing wrong with that.

The girls were with me. Nothing wrong with that.

But when I stop the car to take a photo of a sign and the girls are with me.... there's plenty wrong with that. Or so I've been told. In no uncertain terms.

Fact #3
We harvested the onions from the tubs yesterday. Now for the drying out..

There are a few Spring Onions in this photo too. I think you may call them green onions on 'the other side'... is that right?

Fact #4
We have some strawberries.
Yes, I know I told y'all that before, but some things are worth repeating.

We have strawberries. 
They're red and everything
And we've eaten two of them. 

Fact #5
I saw this book yesterday in town. I resisted the temptation to buy it, but the subject matter fascinated me.

This is how the book is described on the GoodReads website:

Fans of cowboy history will love this fascinating and well-researched insight into the link between the Scottish droving tradition and American Cowboys. This unique account includes turn-of-the-century photographs depicting life on the plains.

I'm on a strict no-buying-of-books diet, so the book stayed on the shelf, but once I've convinced all relevent parties that my addiction to enjoyment of buying books is under control and is no longer of any danger, I may be able to sneak this one into the house.

I could have called this post Friday's Fun Facts, or Friday's Very Useful Facts, but neither would have been true. As it is, they are snippets of information that may, or may not, interest you. 

Oh, and just in case you were wondering: the strawberries were delicious. Red and juicy and delicious.


  1. I want some of your homegrown strawberries! Too bad they'd spoil before they reached the Southeast USA! haha I love your pictures! And I totally understand your book (addiction) enjoyment! LOL Are you on Goodreads? How come I am not aware of that? I am on there and I want more friends, so "friend" me or let me know your name on there so I can "friend" you, please??!? Thanks! -- Rachel

  2. very nice and I love all of your pictures. Your strawberries look wonderful.

  3. Those strawberries do look good. As do those onions.

  4. Yum, strawberries! I'm (trying to) grow some strawberries this year but so far they aren't showing any signs of ripeness:(

  5. Hi... I love your writing and humor.. I ENJOY books, too and feel I must explain the difference now to my hubby... lol...
    Also, I enjoy pics of your part of the world..
    My ancestors came from Scotland and I find your pics interesting..

  6. Hee-hee. :) That books *does* sound interesting! I doubt I would have been able to pass it up! :D
    We harvested our onions yesterday too! They've been on our porch drying out. But we waited to harvest them till the tops died.

  7. First, you should know better than to stop the car while the girls are with you.

    Second, that picture of the onions makes me swoon. I can't grown anything....black thumb.

    Lastly, I snuck a book in yesterday. I did not resist the temptation. Why am I so drawn to books? That cowboy book looks really interesting. Depending on the price, I might not have been able to resist. Lisa~

  8. On "the other side" we call them spring onions, green onions, scallions.... My "June" berries have lots of wonderful foliage and runners, but no blossoms or fruit (sigh). I'll think of you enjoying yours. "Glad the "walled" garden is working well.

    How many hours of daylight did you have on June 21?

    Have you ever seen the BBC program of "A History of Scotland" with Neil Oliver narrating? (I have it on DVD) If so, what did you think?

  9. I laughed so hard at #2 with the girls!

    We call them spring onions here in the Shenandoah Valley.

    About #5, Ben would vote to buy the book.....he loves western cowboy yodeling which strictly harbors lyrics/poetry about horses, wide open fields and cowboy living. (Yes....he yodels as he rides his "1948 Farmall Super A" tractor down our country road...)

  10. Oh great picture of the deer!! and the onions look very nice...and that book looks fantastic I am going to look for that on ebay :) Have a Great Weekend ~Love Heather
