
Weather, William and Weddings

We've become aware of the terrible storms that have hit parts of the USA. We are remembering those who've been affected in our prayers. Please let me know if any of you, or your loved ones, are affected.

Our weather is much more mundane. Although many people here in Lewis spend a great deal of time complaining about the cold, the wind or the dampness, I'm guessing that the pictures we're seeing from America will put things in perspective. It certainly ought to! 

Tomorrow's weather forecast for London has, of course, become a main news story. Ironically, London is forecast to have showers, whilst we, in Lewis, are being promised sunshine. William and Kate ought to have planned a Lewis wedding. Maybe they'll honeymoon here!

One day I'll tell you where we spent our honeymoon. I'll also tell you where we could have spent it. Another story for another day.

We wish all the best to Prince William and to Kate, who will soon be Princess Catherine. Their positions are of great privilege, but with privilege comes responsibility. Our prayer is that they would look to the King of Kings, primarily for their salvation, and for their guidance and comfort too. One day, they - like the rest of us - will bow the knee to King Jesus.

At the moment, the final preparations for the wedding are taking place: the red carpet is being rolled out just now. Kate's walk down the aisle on that carpet will take three-and-a-half minutes. She is made of stern stuff if her knees do not buckle on that walk. She is certainly very beautiful. Let us hope for a marriage of honour, happiness and blessing. We will continue to pray for them, as we do for all our Royal Family. 

There is no worldly pleasure they cannot afford to have - and yet, they do not have the freedom to live as they choose. It's not a life I envy. I am thankful to have been born a 'commoner'. I can say that truly 'unto me the lines have fallen in pleasant places' (Psalm 16)

(I have a Twitter account, and have had for a long time, though I've never used it. Tomorrow's wedding may just cause me to get it up and running! Watch this space...)


  1. We have very special friends, the Crawford family, who are hurting right now in Alabama. They love the LORD dearly. You can read about the account here:
    And also here:

    Please remember their dear friend who was killed. You can read about the Lee family here: http://www.visionforum.com/news/blogs/doug/2011/04/9416/

  2. You are so kind to remember us here and the devastation and tragedy that many are dealing with due to the violent storms.

    If the Royals do happen to honeymoon there, please get lots of pictures. Maybe they'll choose to do some mutton bustin'.

    Wonderfully you are royalty, a daughter of the Most High :-)!
    Blessings, Julie

  3. We know the Crawford and Lee family too! My sister knew the oldest daughter in the Lee family fairly well. The whole ordeal is completely devastating, but we know God had a plan for all of this. We are praising God that Mr. Lee is rejoicing in heaven, but we are also praying for peace and comfort for his family he left behind. I cannot even begin to imagine what agony they are going through during this time...

    We have a relief fund started here: http://www.providencepeoria.org/2011/04/28/tornado-relief-efforts/

    On a happy note, my sister and I are thoroughly looking forward to this wedding! Waking up at 3 in the morning just so we can watch it live!! =) We keep telling people it's history in the making, but more importantly it's HIStory coming unfolded! Praying for God's guidance as they continue on this path before them!

  4. Here in Tennessee we had some very bad storms but nothing compared to Alabama and Mississippi. My heart aches for them and I am praying for them. I feel so sick every time I look at the pictures of all of the destruction. I feel pain for the families that have lost loved ones in these storms.....they are in my prayers.

  5. What a beautiful post, and definitely from the right perspective! I am passing this on to others. May God richly bless you in all you do!

  6. I know I woke up so excited about the wedding (British blood in me :) ) & then was so sad to see the devastation in America I felt bad that I was thinking about the wedding. One of the ladies blogs I read had her house destroyed & a friend of hers lost her hubby, so I've been praying for them ever since.
    I am getting excited about the wedding again - it's wonderfully timed for us as it's late afternoon/evening so we can sit down & relax & watch it all unfold!
    Have a wonderful evening - I'll be thinking of you as I watch!

  7. In my hastiness and sadness for the Lee family, I apologize how the comment came across above. I was desiring to say to remember their "dear friend whose husband" was killed.
    I spoke with another friend last evening from Alabama and she said that the Lee family is truly being strong and leaning on their LORD for strength. What a testimony for their LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!
    The link that Melyssa mentioned is terrific.....and her reminder to remember that GOD has a plan for all of this.

  8. The weather events here in the US the past few days have been extremely catastrophic. It's overwhelming to look at the pictures from everything, the tornadoes and all of the flooding. We've been praying for those who have and are (floodwaters are spreading) still losing most everything, in this material world, and the loss of loved ones. Praying they find comfort and solace in our God, knowing He is eternal and nothing can separate us from Him or His love, when we belong to Him.

    I managed to get up and watch the wedding, and I love what you said above concerning them.

    I'm really wishing we had the same custom or tradition of wearing those fabulous hats! I saw such a variety, what fun that would be picking out a hat to wear for special occasions.

    Blessings to you, can't wait to hear your honeymoon story. x o

  9. I totally enjoyed listening to the vows and they were timeless and as I listened I wondered if the people there were aware of what was being said.
    I loved that they kept saying The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost.
    I thought she looked so calm, I don't know if I would have made it down that carpet without my knees knocking so hard.

  10. It's so kind of you to mention the devastation here in America. I have family in Birmingham who only lost their power. So many families lost everything, including loved ones. It is a tragedy!

    My sister and I got up early to watch the wedding. It was magical. Like you, I hope to see them come to a saving knowledge of the King of Kings.

    While I was watching the wedding I was reminded that I am an eternal princess. I belong to Him. I had my own magical moment.
