
Just because my laundry pile wasn't big enough as things were, a little mutt comes and lives with us.
A very spoilt little mutt...

Thankfully, we tend to have gentle breezes come our way occasionally. That means that drying his blankets is a doddle.

Drying them is no problem: keeping them from landing in Iceland can prove more challenging.


  1. I bet they dry very quickly in that wind.

    Oh my goodness, that pup has it really good! Living the good life for sure!

  2. Jackson has quite the set up there! I shan't let my dog see this post...his cold plastic kennel will not look so good after that! And we don't have the breezes to take care of drying, but we could hang out our blankets to be washed!

  3. LOL! I hope they don't land in Iceland! That's quite a wind!
    He is sooooo cute. :-)

  4. You sure do have some stunning scenery there! What a sweet pup!

  5. He IS a spoiled mutt, but little he won't be for long. He's already grown a LOT since you first posted his photo! And yes, Iceland is going to be a problem if his blanket ends up there - from the background of the photo I see the SURF'S UP!!

  6. How funny! I love the humorous twist you add to daily life. :)

  7. You're li'l pup certainly is spoiled! A blankie and everything?? :P
    Happy, sunshiny day!

  8. Wind surfing or hang gliding, anyone? You get some really ferocious wind. So funny!

  9. So nice to see your pup has a blanket to cuddle with. Sweet little guy!

  10. so sweeet. our doggie doesnt get THAT treatment;)
