
A Trip to Harris

Our congregation in Scalpay have their communions, so we went down for a service today.
Harris isn't strictly an island (and neither is Lewis, I suppose): they are joined in one island, so I guess the proper way of saying it is, The Isle of Lewis & Harris. However, we do think of each other as two separate islands, and the accents are quite distinctive - both in Gaelic and in English.
 The welcoming committees were out in force. In Harris, the sheep are as laid back as can be, and if they're enjoying their spot on the road, then it's up to us drivers to drive around them!
 I've shown Harris photos before, but the scenery is so different to our scenery here in Lewis - particularly in the Northern part of Lewis - so I reckon another lot of photos will harm noone.

This is the bridge crossing to Scalpay. Until a few years ago, Scalpay was reached by a small ferry which ran back and fore every day (except Sunday). The island now has a bridge and so there are no mad dashes any more for young guys rushing to catch the last ferry at night.
 Er, the Wee Guy had the camera in the back of the car, and this kind of 'scenery' had more appeal!
 Fish farms in the nearer part of this sea loch
 Rugged. But beautiful.

 The sea on the west side of the island, just north of Tarbert. The colours in the foreground don't come through in the photo, but they were a stunning mixture of blues and greens and all shade in between.

 Remind me later to tell you about the road seen here on the other side of the loch. Too much to tell here...
 No matter how inaccessible a place appears, everyone in Lewis and in Harris is simply a click online and a delivery van away from any shop in the UK (or further afield). Yes, it may take a day longer to reach us, and it may cost extra in carriage, but it sure makes living on the island a whole lot easiers.

 As I said, the Wee Guy had the camera. On the way down to Harris, he loved the journey, and had comments and questions every so often along the way.
On the way back though, he's 'seen it all before', and the books he'd taken with him were better company.

And so ends this post of gorgeous scenery with the Wee Guy's favourite topics.

"Oh, and did y'all know that Ghengis Khan was absolutely amaaaazing? Wait til I tell you...."


  1. Beeeeautiful pictures! Wish we could see it in person! I LOVE the sheep in the road! And, as you'd have expected, my sons were looking over my shoulder at the book pictures! Ah, LOVE those little fellas!

  2. I love your pictures! Though I try not to compare 'my ' island to 'yours', the similarities are hilarious. Er, but I have to say...I've yet to have to drive around a sheep. The chickens move on their own.

  3. These pictures are absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for sharing them with us. I felt as though I'd gone on a wonderful vacation...if only for a few moments.

    Have a blessed evening,

  4. Lovely, I love how old and rugged it looks and how big and how small I feel even looking at the photographs.
    Beautiful place, I need to try and visit someday.

  5. Our local store sells salmon that's farm raised from Scotland. Would that be the one picture of the fish farm? I usually buy wild caught, but this is beautiful looking salmon in the store.

  6. wow, wee! great shots!

    yes, thank the good Lord for the internet!!!!

    have a great weekend~

  7. Some wonderful shots and stunning scenery!!! I adore the sheep in the road, although maybe you didn't so much!

  8. The Wee Guy reminds me SO much of my little men. I let my David have the camera yesterday, and I want to do a post sometime with some of the pictures he took. It's so funny to see life from the perspective of a boy. :) It's also funny to see a picture from our Civil War in your camera. :)

    The scenery you beautifully captured reminds me a lot of some parts of Israel: rugged and beautiful in a very strong sort of way.

  9. Such a wild and beautiful place! A world away from our cornfields, dark green meadows & soybean fields (well, not NOW, after the snow left it's all dreary & brown, but the green will begin very soon). I can see why you love it so--and the people, even more. They are of the good earth and strong, made in their Father's image. Have a blessed day & thanks so much for sharing your part of the world with us each day!

  10. Wonderful pictures of your country...how funny the sheep just hanging out in the road...Sometimes here where I live you find stuff in the road as well goats or horses or coyotes...you never know what you might see. Thanks for sharing have a wonderful weekend Love Heather

  11. Absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! The sheep are definitely my favorite though. :)
