
Tonight's sun setting.

It's amazing how quickly the days are lengthening. It seems like only last week when the sun was setting mid-afternoon. When I took this photo it was well after six o'clock in the evening.

The rays and the colours in the clouds forced me outside, albeit only to the back step.

I asked Catherine to upload these photos, taken from our back door.
She obviously fiddled around with the photos while she was here.

But whether the photos are straight out of the camera, or having been played around with, they show something of the awesomeness of our magnificent God and the beautiful world into which He has placed us.

There is so much loveliness all around us, but there is only One of whom we can say, "Yeah, He is altogether lovely".

May our Saviour be 'altogether lovely' in our hearts and in our minds this weekend.

(The first photo, and the last, are the only two that are as they were taken.)


  1. O, wow - what breath-taking photos! (Both the fiddled-with ones and the sooc!). :) You're right, it's when we look at His beautiful and awe-inspiring creation that we understand how beautiful our God must be.

  2. The pictures are awesome. The Creator is AWESOME!

  3. Very pretty, the sky is so big in Scotland. :)

  4. We join you in being so grateful for the longer hours of daylight... such beautiful pictures. Thank you so much for sharing them.

  5. Oh so beautiful thank you for sharing the colors are amazing. Hope this little note finds you doing well ~have a Wonderful day ~Love Heather

  6. Glorious! (I too am ecstatic about the lengthening days.)

  7. Beautiful photos! We just entered Daylight Savings here - yay! Longer days...

  8. Beautiful! What a great glimpse of our Creator!

  9. Not meaning to equate the Creator w/ His creation....I just meant that His creation certainly reveals His beauty!

  10. Left my comment below by accident

  11. beautiful pictures, roll on longer days, that can't be far off!

  12. "So much loveliness all around us" - yes!

    "He is altogether lovely" - yes, YES!

    Thanks for reminding me.
