
My Boys

Me an' my boys took a wander to the beach the other evening just as the sun was setting.

I keep meaning to learn how to do some proper post-processing, 
so I may play around with some of these.

So, all you photo experts out there....what should I do?

Once I remove the blemish that's on all the photos (from a dirty lense), what next?

The pleasure of watching them together made up for the bitterly cold temperatures.

Yep, it was enough to warm my heart.

Though not my ears...


  1. What a blessing to have an older son investing his time and love into his younger brother! Priceless...

    Anna, the expert photographer in our house, said you did a GREAT job!

  2. I love the silhouette one, the next to last, once you fix the blemish, don't change a thing, it's perfect!(But I'm no expert...)

    What a good big brother your Wee Guy has! Looks like a wonderful evening at the beach!

  3. OOOPS, more photos loaded after I looked through them, it's the fourth one from the bottom. But I do love the next to the last as well, now that I've seen it too. And the one above that one, well, I guess I love them all, capturing their brother time, what a great way to preserve this memory for them.

  4. Aww Anne, what beautiful photos! I think they are fantastic and need no 'fixing'. So many words spring to mind when I look at them - love, protection, caring, bonding, adoration, joy, creation x

  5. What wonderful pictures! They capture such a sweet realtionship between brothers! What a treasure!

  6. I love the photos and the brotherly togetherness. Stop worry about Photoshop stuff, it could never make a picture as wonderful as what is going on in these!

  7. Me and mini me!! I LOVE these pictures, really lovely. And blue72 is right, no tweaking required!

  8. I'm no photo expert, but I think these are just magnificent! I love the different levels of lighting and the silhouettes. Great job!

  9. I'm not an expert at ALL! But don't change a THING...these shots are wonderful....and amazing...and what great and treasured memories!!!!!

  10. These are truly beautiful - made me so homesick for my son. At 1900 miles He's WAY to far away from us and I'd give almost anything to have some photos like these of them together. Maybe next month when he comes home (FINALLY!). thanks so much for sharing, they made me cry (but in a good way)!

  11. Aww! your little guy is sooo adorable! I love your pictures! ~Kelsey

  12. Such wonderful pictures....just lovely and definitely heartwarming. : )

  13. Really wonderful silhouettes! Don't change those!!

  14. Have you been getting any of Lillibeth's homeschool newsletters that she writes for her children? SOme of them have interesting historical or geographical facts about your part of the world.

  15. The only comment I would make is the second picture would really look nice if you could straighten out the horizon a bit. The color of the water is beautiful and you see the golden sun hitting their face.

  16. I love them just as they are. Love the togetherness they display.

  17. Very nice! I don't know much about editing photos, but I did want to say that I love them. I'm with one gal that already said the fourth from the bottom is best...frame-able. Lisa~

  18. Great photos capturing a special time with your boys.

    Do you use Picasa? It's a free google program. I really like the photo editing - very user friendly!

  19. Oh so GORGEOUS Anne!!
    I just love these photos. So so sweet and so incredibly gorgeous. You have some hansom boys there. And your cold ears sure gave our eyes some pleasure :)

    ~ Marie

  20. These are treasures! You did a fantastic job!

    I had to laugh at your comment about my St. Patrick's Day meal. I commented back, but in case you don't see it (which I assume you won't), shouldn't you be especially proud of Patrick because he was Scottish??? ;-) He really is a Christian hero, though that seems to be all but forgotten in the carnal celebration these days.

    However, I will NOT serve you green applesauce or green rice if you ever visit my home. ;-)

  21. Sons are so special. I love my boys too!

  22. Gorgeous shots! Remove the blemish if you like, but after that--I wouldn't change a thing! I think overly processed photos lose a lot of the natural beauty that they initially captured.

