
What?! You Didn't Miss Me....?

It's okay. I'm here.

What do you mean you didn't know I was MIA?

What do you mean you didn't miss me?

Well, I was missing, and this is why:

We've had no electricity since about 9pm last night, until now.

And - wait for this - we had no broadband for even longer.


Maybe....for about 10 minutes. After that, I want the kettle to boil for my cuppa; I want the heating to come on; I want, I want, I want....

I now don't want to sound like a spoilt 21st Century softie.

Our winds reached over 100mph. 104mph to be precise. And then the electricity went off, so our local weather station's windometer stopped registering.

I haven't a clue what the instrument is called, but you know what I mean....a speedometer for wind. Feel free to insert your own word here.

For one of the first times ever I wanted to live in a city. I wanted our house to be surrounded by other buildings. I thought we must have been nuts to have built where we did. And I realised why I'd never got around to planting anything in our garden. 

Oh, and here's another reason the garden's not worth bothering about...

Yes, this is right in front of my family room window this morning.

Why would I bother with garden flowers and bushes....?


  1. That is some major wind! I'm so spoiled. I can't stand having the power out! Yes, I'm a whimp. I want to know, with winds like that, why the sheep aren't all sporting windblown looks with all the hair going to one side. Kind of a radical sheep style!

  2. Wow! I cannot imagine that level of wind whipping around the house. I have to say that I would love to have a few of your sheep. They are lovely.

  3. Cities are amazing places!!!
    Can I just let you know that my most recent blog post may mention an animal you detest so if you wish to steer clear, consider yourself warned.

  4. That is a hurricane wind. Wow! Glad your house is still standing. And glad your power is back on. Alas, I am spoiled too :0!

  5. wow! that is SOME wind! glad everyone {and every sheep} is safe!

  6. I did actually notice your absence, Anne.

    That is some crazy wind! Glad you were able to stay warm and cozy and safe. And that you, um, have the ever important internet back!

    Have a wonderful weekend; may your Sunday be full of worship and rest, as the Lord intended for His children.

  7. Const: - the kids normally screen the posts, so DR has warned me to avoid the second last paragraph ;)

    Aren't the sheep amazing. Can you imagine being out in winds like that, in the rain/sleet/hail too. Boy, they're hardy beasts.

    We're back to the general 50-60mph winds today - just a gentle breeze! x
